Chris Caesar

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于August 2010年

  • Male, 27 years old
  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Favorite TV Show: Family Guy, Regular Show, The Simpsons, South Park, The Boondocks, Real Husbands of Hollywood, Brickleberry, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    Favorite Movie: Transformers, White Chicks, Starsky & Hutch, Friday
    Favorite Musician: Too many to 列表
    Favorite Book or Author: Little Critters (read when I was in elementary school)
马赛克 列表


Dedicated Fan in 29 clubs Dedicated (29) Die-Hard Fan in 53 clubs Die-Hard (53) Fanatic in 5 clubs Fanatic (5)


violetdreemurr 说 …
Hello! 发布 一年多以前
caesar213 评论…
Hi there. My apologies if I'm just now responding, but how are 你 一年多以前
caesar213 说 …

If 你 guys have been wondering where my 屁股 been, I can tell u I'm still here. Just not on a regular basis. Everything from school to social media to other personal matters have kept me away from here, but I assure y'all that I'm still pretty much active here, even if I 显示 up every once in a while. 发布 一年多以前
caesar213 说关于 Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan
Okay guys. I know 你 were expecting tonight's Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures episode, but something is going on in my family at the moment. So I'm gonna have to push it back one 更多 time. Expect it to come in sometime 下一个 weekend. 发布 一年多以前