36 lifetime gold
"The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better."-Julliet, The Simpsons
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于May 2009年
- Female, 28 years old
- Under Your 床, 床上 (Mwahaha...)
- My Website: My fanfiction.net 个人资料
- Favorite TV Show: Total Drama <3, 美国职业摔跤 <3, South Park, Family Guy, Whitest Kids U' Know, Robot Chicken, Deadly WomenFavorite Movie: The Hangover, Kick-Ass, TDDDDI (If that counts...)Favorite Musician: 伊凡塞斯 and Emilie AutumnFavorite Book or Author: Annie On My Mind, Amandine, Dangerous Girls, Vampire Academy, Bloodlines, and many 更多