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missliss 说 …
嘿 can 你 do me a favor go to Les Miserables picks and pick nick jonas as a good Marius i would really appreciate it 发布 一年多以前
XChatterbox14x 说 …
Just thought 你 should know that tickets for the phantoms 25th anniversary in october are on sale on the 4th of July. 你 can get the tickets from the phantom of the opera website :) Ramin and Sierra will take the lead roles :) 发布 一年多以前
MissPhantom 说关于 歌剧魅影
Happy Birthday to the 作者 of the orignal phantom story - Gaston Leroux, 142 years young. Thank 你 for the 音乐 of the night and your soul shall be remebered in each performance of the 1986 musical ^^ 发布 一年多以前
fansfunsz 评论…
i agree 一年多以前
HattersMadGirl 我支持 my images
Thank 你 for joining my club. 发布 一年多以前
MissPhantom 评论…
Your very welcome and thank 你 for maing the club. I shall continue to add 照片 if it does not bother 你 一年多以前
MissPhantom 说 …
Doing a massive revamp on my youtobe playlists, including my hopefully 666 song playist tribute for this speacial POTO year, up to 154 songs atm, dreadful I know. Please help 由 checking them out and making suggestions, 更多 palylists to come.
youtobe name - MissPhantomMania 发布 一年多以前