17,487 lifetime gold
"...if I sat there and worried about what everybody else thought of me my brain would be very crowded."- Rose McGowan
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于May 2010年
- Female, 39 years old
- 美利坚合众国
- Favorite TV Show: I 爱情 Lucy*Buffy*Angel*Charmed*Sailor Moon*Wallace and Gromit*TVD*The Golden Girls*Home Improvement*Sex and the City*The Big Bang TheoryFavorite Movie: The Facts of Life*The Long, Long Trailer*The Facts of Life*Clue*Bon Voyage Charlie Brown*Hitchcock*Sailor Moon S*Avengers Series*Doctor StrangeFavorite Musician: Fall Out Boy*Avril Lavigne*Collective Soul*Christian Kane*The Veronicas*Mae*Anberlin*Led Zeppelin*The Postal Service*Snow PatrolFavorite Book or Author: Nancy Drew*Buffy*Archie Comics*CLUE*History 图书