Tsunami Arow

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于November 2013年

  • Female, 24 years old
  • Mount Olympus, Greece
  • Favorite TV Show: Inuyasha, Huntik, Fairy Tail, 《黑执事》
    Favorite Movie: All 4 of the 犬夜叉 movies, Priestess of the Phoenix, The Hunger Games, 《黑执事》 the Movie
    Favorite Musician: None
    Favorite Book or Author: The 犬夜叉 Series, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games Triology, The Kane Chronicles, 超能英雄 of Olympus, The Fairy Tail Series
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WAAAH! I just saw an episode of Fairy Tail! It was Ep. 68, when Wendy's guild, the Cait Shelter Guild, turned out to be a mere illusion, I cried my 心 out at the end T^T (BUT I STILL 爱情 MIDNIGHT SO MUCH FROM THE ORACION SEIS) 发布 一年多以前
I'm so dizzy, I answered all the Black Butler 问题 at once XD Oww, my head O-O 发布 一年多以前
IllusionDolls 评论…
Lol, I did that with the Death Note pop quiz. x) 一年多以前
I just made this group because I absolutely 爱情 Midnight the most in Fairy Tail, I'm serious, he's just frikin awesome, I don't know why, but I 爱情 how he's the strongest and sleeps most of the time unless a situation is getting serious ^_^ My sleeping Midnight XD 发布 一年多以前