潮流粉丝俱乐部始于November 2007年

  • Female, 43 years old
  • Tonawanda, NY
  • Favorite TV Show: One 树 Hill, Felicity, Greek, Weeds, Skins, Criminal Minds, Friday Night Lights, That 70s 显示
    Favorite Movie: A Time to Kill, Crash, The Da Vinci Code, Saving Private Ryan, The Departed
    Favorite Musician: LUDACRIS, Eminem, Lupe Fiasco, Drake, The Script, Low Millions, Three Days Grace, Hinder, Nickelback,
    Favorite Book or Author: "If 你 always think what you've always thought, then you'll always get what you've always got." ~Gerald Haman
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Dedicated Fan in 10 clubs Dedicated (10) Die-Hard Fan in 15 clubs Die-Hard (15) Fanatic in 6 clubs Fanatic (6)


Leyton4ever 说关于 Ninja Pirates
OMG Pinjas. I have no idea what brought me to 潮流粉丝俱乐部 或者 here
But I remember this fondly. I can't believe how long 以前 this was. 发布 一年多以前
mtoll4 评论…
OMG HI!!! I had to find something from the good old days, and I saw this. Oh the memories <3 ·4个月前
Leyton4ever 说关于 篮球兄弟
I came across my 12 年 old daughter watching this on netflix and was reminded of how much I 爱情 and miss this show. It is one of, if not, my all time 最喜爱的 shows. 发布 一年多以前
DoNotTrak 说 …
Leyton 4 ever 发布 一年多以前