0 lifetime gold
Melissa Chop
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于December 2010年
- Female
- 美利坚合众国
- Favorite TV Show: Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Buffy, Angel, True Blood, Charmed, Bones, CSI, Cold CaseFavorite Movie: Gone With The Wind, 黑夜传说 Trilogy, The Count of Monte Cristo, Pride & Prejudice, The Craft, Practical Magic, Interview With The VampireFavorite Musician: Disturbed, Metallica, Drowning Pool, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Carrie Underwood, Daughtry and lots more. I have a mixed bag I like ;)Favorite Book or Author: Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, GWTW, A Tale of Two Cities, Vampire Diaries, Sookie Stackhouse series, so many 更多

说关于 伊恩·萨默海尔德与妮娜·杜波夫 …
I just saw that they broke up today online and from US Weekly. It's really sad. I hope that it's not true and if it is they might rekindle their romance down the road. Anything's possible. They were such a good couple.
发布 一年多以前