Ashley Gray

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于September 2010年

  • Female, 33 years old
  • 美利坚合众国
  • Favorite TV Show: I dont watch TV any more. My primary 来源 of entertainment is 日本动漫 on the internet and KH in my Ps2 :P All Tv is anymore is imorality.
    Favorite Movie: 日本动漫 movies(ALL I am open to anything anime), Harry Potter, 迪士尼 classics
    Favorite Musician: Micheal Jackson, Evanescence, nickleback, greenday, Aqua Timez, phil collins, anything Japanese, Bad Luck and Yui !
    Favorite Book or Author: ANY 日本漫画 but mostly Black Butler, 死亡笔记 and CLAMP 图书 :D
马赛克 列表


Dedicated Fan in 30 clubs Dedicated (30) Die-Hard Fan in 21 clubs Die-Hard (21) Fanatic in 2 clubs Fanatic (2)


Animeanimal 说关于 火影忍者
Reads chapter 667 *puts head through wall* damn Kishimoto what are 你 doing to me!? 发布 一年多以前
ImAnEasel 评论…
I'm so tempted to read it now... but I must resist... I don't want spoilers... I guess I'll find out one day, anyway. XP 一年多以前
Animeanimal 说 …
Oh my gosh its been a long time....I almost forgot I had a 潮流粉丝俱乐部 account 哈哈 XD Anyway a lot has changed in me since we last met. I was back into the 火影忍者 anime, and was LOVING it btw, that is until Kishimoto totally flipped his lid and now hes on my hit 列表 哈哈 发布 一年多以前
爱情 THIS~ 发布 一年多以前