1. His real name is Woo Jiho
2. He was born September 14, 1992
3. His hometown is Seoul
4. He is Blcok B's leader, despite being in the maknae line
5. Taewoon from Co-Ed is his older brother
6. He auditioned for Sm Entertainment, and was supposed to be the rapper in the group Shinee, but they picked Minho instead.
7. Zico used to perform in Hongdae before his debut
8. Zico 说 his lower lip is his charm
9. Zico thinks that girls with alot of piercings are pretty (...)
10. Zico once bought P.O a ring with a huge gem on it
11. Zico's 最喜爱的 item is shoes
12. Zico's 最喜爱的 karoake song is SS501'S Warning...
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