Okay new zashley pictures were just linked but they aren't new, REAL but not new! They were taken the same time as the picture I 发布 from Jan.18. Sadly I can't 上传 the picture here but here's the link of the picture if 你 haven't seen it already: link I hope 你 enjoy them as much as I did ;) Zashley! <3
发布 一年多以前
just watched clevvertv new video about ash's new tv 显示 and they asked who should be her new 爱情 interest and everyone who 评论 on that put zac efron ;)
发布 一年多以前
i dont remember but go to youtobe and type in clevvertv then go to their page, the video would be somewhere there. and not really just that they been hanging out a lot 更多 since her break up with scott but we havent seen them together since the 18th of last month.一年多以前
i 爱情 your movie 17 again i hope to see some coments on my 墙 from 你 but i wont 'expect 'i't ' o 由 the way broke my hand sorry if bad spelling 或者 enything elts
发布 一年多以前