You´re the Worst (TV Series) Wall

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drewjoana 说 …
The Fifth and Final Season of "You're the Worst" Premieres Wednesday, January 9 on FXX

Critically Acclaimed Comedy Series From Stephen Falk Will Air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
I have not been able to 编辑 the spot motto, so here it is, a fully one: You're the Worst is a modern look at 爱情 and happiness told through the eyes of two people who haven't been very successful with either. It's the story of Gretchen and Jimmy, fear, heartbreak, romance, sex, food, Los Angeles, Sunday Funday, friendship, and the fact that sometimes the worst people make the best partners. 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Consider this our save the date. The all new season of #YoureTheWorst kicks off with a special one-hour premiere Sept 6 on @FXXNetwork. 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Consider this our save the date. The all new season of #YoureTheWorst kicks off with a special one-hour premiere Sept 6 on @FXXNetwork. 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Desmin Borges Spot:

link 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Kether Donohue Spot:

link 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
FXX comedy “You’re the Worst” has been renewed for a fourth season. 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 评论…
“Expertly written, brilliantly acted, ‘You’re the Worst’ continues to be hilarious and excellent,” 说 Eric Schrier, who with Nick Grad serves as president of original programming for FX Networks and FX Productions. “We’re excited to get Stephen and his team working on 下一个 season and thank everyone at ‘You’re the Worst’ for their outstanding work and the opportunity to keep producing great TV together.” 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
The all new season of You’re The Worst officially premieres August 31st on FXX. 发布 一年多以前
big smile
drewjoana 说 …
It's official! You're the Worst is back September 9th at 10:30PM on FXX. 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
I was hooked 由 You´re the Worst in few minutes. This comedy is simply funny, an unique and diferent look on two awkward people that are not ready for an ordinary relationship, even so they act weirdly, they are 由 far One Of the most addicting couple! 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
Chris Geere Spot:

link 发布 一年多以前