God is Extreme Serious about this Leviticus 18:22,20-13, Romans 1:26-27, And 1 Corthians 6:9-11 say no, it is Still not okay, Also contrary to 流行的 Belief. God Doesn't 'make' anyone gay, homosexuality is a human choice. I am God's Messager this message will be heard today i am Not Gonna Argue with 你 But Pray for all of 你
发布 一年多以前
I agree @shelby3011, I've made peace with 你 @skilletfreak291 and we of course can be 老友记 as 你 asked, but just because we can be 潮流粉丝俱乐部 buddies doesn't mean that I won't back down from what I believe in, I'm not going to tell 你 what 你 should believe in but I am going to say there is no problem with homosexuality, and I feel that 你 are being unfair to those that are, as I've 说 before I am not homosexual but I'm completely supportive and respective to those that are, I see that 你 are very christian-like I used to be catholic as well,一年多以前
but I no longer chose to have a religion due to a long 列表 of reasons but thats another story, anyways I did go to catholic school for many years and it is also 说 that we are all equals to god, so how can the bible say we are equals but also say it is wrong to be homosexual? That to me seems like someone didn't think through when they were 写作 the bible... If there really is a god which I'm not sure if there is but if there is then I'm sure he/she(whatever god is) would want us to treat each other equally, which 你 are not treating people that are homosexual equal, and its not fair to them they are people just like us.!一年多以前
buffyl0v3r44, with all due respect...........We,Christains are Not Ashamed and 你 can do whatever 你 want to me but I will not Be Silent. The Judgement 日 is Coming Soon and all of us will be accountable to God and Will be Judge 由 the Ten Commands . 你 can Hate me But I will Not be biased Towards Homosexually ............you don't Like to hear the Truth but God is Exterme Serious about this....................i am not here to cause Trouble, i am Not ashamed of the gospel Of 耶稣 Christ, In the name OF Christ Jesus, It Will be Too late for those who Agree with the Homosexually.一年多以前
woah! calm down! i respect people who really believie in a god but 你 need to relax a bit. we're here because we 爱情 this 显示 and it's 2 awesome characters, not to argue religion一年多以前
I agree with @shelby3011 we are here because we 爱情 this, not to argue about religion and thats why I think that 你 shouldn't post bible passages about being against homosexuality..!一年多以前
riigggghhhhtt.... 'really' good soulmate 老友记 that have to leap through 火, 消防 to awaken the other with a kiss, just like sleeping beauty. guess they were best 老友记 too :P一年多以前