Vitani the Outlander Wall

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Kiara_thats_it 说 …
I'm so exited about this club I can't believe there is a club all about my new best friend! we don't exactly go way back, but we can still have fun. Plus, we slay at the hunting party! 发布 一年多以前
purplevampire 说 …
I like cub Vitani, she's so cute 发布 一年多以前
-Vitani- 说 …
Hello everyone a club about me yay ! ^^ sorry that i havent been on this website for a WHILE.. 发布 一年多以前
vitnaicub4469 评论…
你 are my farovite 一年多以前
Cracker9877 说 …
when I keep on hearing vitani in the movie i just say what ever she says at the same time.... And then i realize I speak JUST like her! 发布 一年多以前
Vitani14 说 …
Vitani is like my life. she is just awsome the way she is... evil and awsome like me!! :) 发布 一年多以前
sideshowbobbart 评论…
cool :) i didnt know there where other people obsessed with vitani 一年多以前
KovuDazven 评论…
There is no way 你 couldn't be, tell me someone who loves TLK who doesn't 爱情 Vitani 哈哈 一年多以前
Vitani14 评论…
oh thanks guys. She is really, like my life. i 爱情 her :3 一年多以前
LillyVan 说 …
I 爱情 her eyes! They're purple and cool xD 发布 一年多以前
Kiara_thats_it 评论…
Yeah they're really pretty. Most people say theyre blue but they are purple. I don't get the fuss. Cant we just agree that her eyes are pretty instead? 一年多以前
-Vitani- 说 …
thanks for making a club all about me! 发布 一年多以前
Fairstepshaven 说 …
Ok. Does Vitani remind 你 of anyone else? Like a bad-tempered female Decepticon? They have the same personalities, and voices. And for those who have no idea what im talking about, its Slipstream. 发布 一年多以前
Fairstepshaven 说 …
哈哈 guys, my real name is Vitani 发布 一年多以前
KovuLover2011 评论…
My nickname is "Tani" because I sorta talk like cub Vitani 一年多以前
Fairstepshaven 评论…
I talk like Vitani too! 哈哈 but with an Australian accent, of course 一年多以前
Jazz7921 说 …
She was my 最喜爱的 from the start 你 just cant not like her 发布 一年多以前
zombiesurvivor 说 …
vitani is EPIC!!!! 发布 一年多以前
janay_M 评论…
OMG vitani is my 最喜爱的 and nuka !!!!! :D 一年多以前
Sam9876 评论…
Holy shit! That means 你 REALLY are Mysterion! 一年多以前
zombiesurvivor 评论…
Yes I am. I didn't hurt, it FUCKING hurt!!! 一年多以前
Fairstepshaven 说 …
Oh I 爱情 Vitani 发布 一年多以前
lepeordclaw 评论…
i like nala she is my 最喜爱的 一年多以前
lepeordclaw 评论…
i like nala she is my 最喜爱的 一年多以前
Vitani14 评论…
grrr vitani is better 一年多以前
zira324 说 …
so adoribal 发布 一年多以前
zombiesurvivor 评论…
Thats a bit of an understatement 一年多以前