Vampire Academy VS Twilight Wall

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Aimee369 说 …
加入 the VA movie spot! link 发布 一年多以前
Winterose 评论…
already did 一年多以前
potterchicwild5 说 …
ot hard at all. Vampie academy is the better choice for me. An_Davis9890, if twilight didn't make 你 cry, than tell me what emotions 你 felt with it? When i read it i felt sleepy. When i read VA it was like an emotion cpoaster, and those are often the better books. The ones that 你 do cry with, 或者 laugh with. Becuse your FEELING something. 总体, 整体 though,i like VA Better becuse the charries were 更多 develped, it was a way better plot, and 更多 realistic. Plus 你 get to see how rose changes 发布 一年多以前
an_davis9890 说 …
this isnt even a hard choice....i like twilight and read them all but i 爱情 VA i have read the whole series four times....cant get twilight never made me cry.....VA made me cry like five times...... 发布 一年多以前
sroushel 评论…
ood 一年多以前
Robssesed 说 …
this is a harder choice than edward and jacob but i have 2 pick twilight because i could never betray them but i swear VA is a close 秒 and a truly amazing book! team dimitri!! 发布 一年多以前
Dhampires 说 …
moviequeen 说 …
I refuse to choose between vampire academy and twilight series I like them both 发布 一年多以前
RozaDimitri 说 …
Vampire academy all the way!!!! It totally wins against twilight any day!!!! 爱情 VA so much!!!! Xxx
发布 一年多以前
alicemarvels 说 …
Dimitri is up for several categories in both the YA Crush Tourney and the Bachelor Month:


Need convincing? Head over here (plus enter to win a SIGNED paperback Vampire Academy and a Vampire Academy/Bloodlines totebag!!)


Please help Dimka win - we all know the boy deserves it! :) 发布 一年多以前
marthatsal 说 …
well, i started 阅读 Twilight 3 years ago, i have read all of the twilight 图书 and i loved them all. I finished Frostbite yesterday. I like them both (even thought i haven't read the hole VA series)! I can't wait to read the 3 book of the VA.! 发布 一年多以前
casperisfine 说 …
how perfect 4 each other jacob and bella 或者 bella and edward i chosse jacob and bella 发布 一年多以前
TeamJacobInigo 评论…
I CHOOSE JACOB AND BELLA TOO!! They are great together if 你 ask me! :D 一年多以前