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posted by hellgirl223
 IOTY- 图标 of the 年
IOTY- Icon of the Year
Hi fanpoppers! Its me hellgirl223 and this is a just a short 文章 which basically talks about the IOTY (Icon of the Year) and the 常见问题 (Frequently asked Questions) and rules about the IOTY. There are only 2 VERY simple rules 你 have to follow and well, this is my first guide 文章 and it goes!

1) The very first simple rule, participants should have an 图标 (not a normal user 潮流粉丝俱乐部 icon).
2) Please do NOT vote for yourself!
3) 图标 must be credited. If 你 created it yourself then, Ok, but still write the name =)

Easy right? Ok, lets get on with the 常见问题 of the IOTY. If there...
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