
Uprising Artists 问题

Will 你 draw my character?

Her name is Sol.Shapeshifter.I don't care what animal (or a human) 你 pick, she has brown hair as a human and black stripes in every pose she has one green eye and one purple eye.



I currently have 狼 pictures. 你 CAN draw a wolf, just be aware that I may have your pose.You can draw her as any animal you'd like, be it mythical 或者 not, but follow her details. She has grey fur,feathers, 或者 whatever else her skin takes texture of, but as a human she's tan and has brown hair.her eyes stay the same no matter what.
Oh, and I might reject your 照片 if it is chibi.Just a warning. I will update my 评论 every chance I get.PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS!!!! I will answer as soon as possible!!! 日本动漫 is welcome!!!!
3nala posted 一年多以前
支持 WILL BE 给 TO PARTICIPANTS!!!!! Quantity of 支持 depend on how well 你 drew your drawing.
3nala posted 一年多以前
Wait, I'm lost... What's a prop? XD But srsly, what is it?
Herosong64 posted 一年多以前
 3nala posted 一年多以前
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Uprising Artists 答案

AliceKinsley said:
Does this work?
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 Does this work?
posted 一年多以前 
yep! you'll get 20 props!!! as soon as I have the time to make the 支持 get to your profile, but I promise they will. Just notify me if you're short of a few 或者 something.
3nala posted 一年多以前
All 20 支持 SHOULD be in your profile. Transfer SHOULD be complete.
3nala posted 一年多以前
你 didn't exactly get her character right. As i said, she has black stripes, and just as a saying, she might not exactly LIKE skirts, 或者 fancy shirts, for that matter. But altogether, great job.
3nala posted 一年多以前
I can draw another one. I have alot of them in mind,
AliceKinsley posted 一年多以前
Choco7 said:
can i try and draw dont care bout 支持 have a 爱情 of drawing
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posted 一年多以前 
Same here. I draw for the 爱情 of drawing! <3
Herosong64 posted 一年多以前
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