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This 暮光之城系列 照片 might contain 榉木, 山毛榉树, 山毛榉, 云杉, 西加云杉, sitka云杉, 云杉sitchensis, 槲树, 活橡树, and 橡树.

posted by mandapanda
 "I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. 你 don't know how it's tortured me..."
"I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don't know how it's tortured me..."
***Contains MINOR Spoilers***

So, all the Rome and Madrid footage being released really got me thinking... are there two meadow scenes in the movie? I remember a Twilight Tuesday, when Larry Carroll asked Rob about a shot they were filming. Larry asked if it was the famous meadow scene. Rob replied that it wasn't the meadow scene, and that it was sort of a 日期 scene. But both take place in a "meadow"-like environment. I've been speculating over this the entire weekend 或者 阅读 through chapter 13 over and over again, and I just thought I would share with 你 guys.

I've read the DRAFT of...
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posted by mandapanda
 "I'd rather hear your theories..."
"I'd rather hear your theories..."
Ever since the Thatrical (final) trailer came out, I've been hearing alot of complaints 或者 disapproving remarks about Rob;s accent. And frankly, I 爱情 his accent. He is doing a great job. A few people 说 they can't understand him when he says, "I'd rather hear your theories." They 说 they couldnt understand the word "theories". They also 说 he sounded irish? I dont understand. I didnt see any flaws in his accent. Maybe they were too distracted 由 his eyes that they were unable to understand him? i mean that could happen cuz he's just so good. Still, we have yet to see alot of his accent, but I think its fantastic so far. Anyways, what do 你 guys think? Have 你 heard these 评论 too?
posted by thebellacullen
ok people, i am sick and tired of people who tell me 吸血鬼 don't exsist and ask me how is edward hot if he is imaginary? first off, this is my rant.......
second, edward cullen can not be counted out of anything, real 或者 imaginary...it is just impossible.....
no one can slam edward cullen without me hunting them down like james does
third, i don't care that he is fake, edward is probably the only man i will ever love, and since no one can ever be so awesome i will end up the old cat lady
fourth, i will turn all 你 non-believers into 吸血鬼 so 你 finally believe i was right and 你 were all...
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As some of 你 may have heard, my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally 发布 on the Internet and has since been virally distributed without my knowledge 或者 permission 或者 the knowledge 或者 permission of my publisher.

I have a good idea of how the leak happened as there were very few copies of Midnight Sun that left my possession and each was unique. Due to little changes I made to the manuscript at different times, I can tell when each left my possession and to whom it was given. The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was 给 to trusted individuals for a good purpose....
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posted by jacob_is_amazin
Ok so I understand completely why everyone absolutely loves Edward...I 爱情 him to.Through the whole middle of New Moon I was like Bella stop talking about ur "hole" I want Edward...I even flipped ahead until I found when Edward would come back so I knew how long I'd have to wait and when I got there it turned out to be Alice's reappearance...I literally through my book out of my window(only to retrieve it 秒 later begging for its forgiveness).I mean how can 你 not 爱情 him,he's a gorgeous,perfect,amazing,crooked smiling god.But then I started 阅读 Eclipse.I didn't really like Jacob...
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posted by tigerlover656
I know everybody wants they're 文章 on What's Hot on the first page 或者 on 最佳, 返回页首 Rated. So do I. my first article, Who Is Better, was on 最佳, 返回页首 Rated for a couple of weeks once. I was really happy. Then it got moved to What's Hot on page 7. I'm fine with that, but I kind of miss it being on 最佳, 返回页首 Rated. I'm still trying to get it on there still though. But am I right everybody wants there 文章 to soon be on one of those pages. That is why I am 写作 this article. I want everybody who reads this to go to the 评论 area of this 文章 and put what 你 always want in a Twilight article. So not only me, but everybody else can get 建议 on what to put on their 下一个 article.
posted by vampfan
EDward took off his shirt.His abs were hawt.I then went under the covers.I then felt his cool skin agaisnt mine.
U sure Soph
I felt it the sex of course
I then felt my neck being nibbled
Edward! damn that hurt
I the nsaw it wasn't edward
J-J-J James.
Oh don't worry 爱情 你 will be one of us
No where the hell is edward
well the volturi is dealing with the Cullens
I will kill you
Just give up 你 know tat it will spread
It's burns STOP IT IT BURNS.I then felt my death.
My 心 beat sronger than usual.I felt sclience.
ALl in my 心 was vengence on James on The Volturi Adn on the werewolves!....
posted by vampfan
Part I
I waited for edward and the cullens to 显示 up
My i phone 说 8:30. They're late. I had my bag.I saw a figure wearing black leather 爱情 the leather.She looked evil.
Who the hell are you!?! Iasked
Your worst nightmare demon.
Hold on a damn 分钟 one my family is fighting 吸血鬼 and two I've been slayer evil[U]VAMPIRES
before 你 could see your first stake!ANd who the hell do u think 你 are my great grandmother's lover gabreil 面包车, 范 helsing!
Then the volvo appear I'm going to kill edward WHat took 你 so long!
Theres anew force of EVIL VAmpires...
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Hayley Williams' band 帕拉摩尔 just won mtvU's Woodie of the 年 and currently sits atop the charts with the Twilight soundtrack. But that doesn't mean she can resist the fangs of the vampire series' main character Edward: "I'm in 爱情 with a vampire," she tells MTV.com.

And it's this affection for the Stephenie Meyer-penned vampire novels and their characters that influenced "Decode," Paramore's contribution to the film's soundtrack. "I was definitely pulling from things I read in the book," Williams said. "There's a few references. They might be a little bit vague, but I think that people...
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Absolute teen hysteria took over Westwood Village Monday night as “Twilight’s” immortal leading man, Robert Pattinson, descended on the red carpet for the movie’s premiere.

AccessHollywood.com’s “Dish of Salt” Laura Saltman was in the middle of the vampire-madness and witness to the thousands of screaming fans, known as Twi-Hards, who started lining up at 6 AM for a glimpse of the “Twilight” stars – especially Robert.

“He’s gorgeous,” “He’s really hot,” and “He’s good looking and talented!” are just some of the accolades that 粉丝 told Access when asked why...
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Pattinson takes a bite out of fame; Stewart tells 'Twilight' 粉丝 to buzz off; Boyle gives back to Mumbai; crying over spilt 'Milk'

Get tickets, showtimes and 更多 at MSN Movies

As I began my interview with Robert Pattinson, the dreamy vampire Edward in the upcoming romantic thriller "Twilight," I reminded the 22-year-old Brit about our 前一个 conversation on the movie's set last spring and how enthusiastic he was at the time about the project.

Puzzled, Pattinson responds, "I was having a good time on that day? There was, like, a close-up in the script where [Edward] has a look that's 'demonic...
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posted by krystalhale
There is such a hype surrounded 由 Twilight and it's following books, and many 粉丝 groups have been created. There is a Twihard, 更多 commonly known as a Twilighter. They say they are completely dedicated to Twilight and it's characters. That being said, those such Twilighters go around saying "Die Jacob!" 或者 "Edward is PRUDE!" and such and such. Are 你 REALLY a "Twilighter" in that case? Saying, "I don't like Jacob [and the occasional "I hate Edward"]" is a completely different thing from saying "Jacob[Edward, 或者 whoever] MUST DIE!".
Some 粉丝 havve even been as bold as to bash Breaking...
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posted by latterdayfrodo
The cover of Breaking Dawn came out not too long ago.

I have some theories, but I would 爱情 to hear your own.


There is a white 皇后乐队 piece and a red pawn piece. If the red piece were to 移动 on 太空 前锋, 期待 (presumably to the right), then the 皇后乐队 would take that pawn. There are no other pieces on the board.

The white 皇后乐队 could represent purity. White is also the color that goes first in the game of chess.

The pawn is red, maybe representing the evil enemy. But the pawn has no real threat over the queen. The pawn in this could make the choice to 移动 前锋, 期待 to become a queen, but...
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ok, i know she loves both but its probably ovious who she loves more, but im not sure is it edward 或者 jacob.

i think that if she chooses edward like she did in eclipse, there will be pain for not being with jake, but she already went through not being with edward and it almost killed her, and at the end of elcipse she had pain but it wasnt as bad. like she 说 when edward asked her,
" are 你 sure 你 made the right choice, i have never seen 你 in so much pain"
and she says "I have known worse pain"
does that mean, the worse pain was when edward left her

does anyone get what im trying to ask, if not ill try to explain better
added by dave
Source: Universal Pictures
posted by vampiress015
Here are some places where 你 can download some of the songs for the Twilight soundtrack:

Muse- Supermassive Black Hole

Paramore- Decode

Linkin Park- Leave out all the rest

Collective Soul- Tremble for my beloved

There's only a few, but they're free, and I don't know about everyone else but I really can't wait for the Twilight soundtrack to come out!
If 你 know any 更多 places please add them below so other people can get them:)
added by s3ptamber
Source: photobucket
added by layla_14
Source: live journal
added by brooke17
added by layla_14
Source: http://damnprecious23.livejournal.com/9029.html#cutid1