The Ranger's Apprentice Wall

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treter 说 …
Not treter though. He is awesome. 发布 一年多以前
treter 说 …
Treter is a jerk. 发布 一年多以前
treter 说 …
How old ARE 你 people? I am only 50. 发布 一年多以前
treter 说 …
I did'nt like the Royal Ranger. I felt like it made the story unfinished. 发布 一年多以前
treter 说 …
I have read every book 10 times! I am bragging. 发布 一年多以前
HalStigGilanfan 说 …
I just read the part when Will was holding onto the ship during the storm. (book 3) 发布 一年多以前
Ranger_Garrick 说 …
Hi! I'm new here on Fanpop, but am a huge 粉丝 of Ranger's Apprentice. How can I 加入 this club? 发布 一年多以前
Moonlight_Kitty 说 …
Just finished 'The Royal Ranger'. Perfect way to end the series. 发布 一年多以前
SmartsieRules 说 …
I read on wikipedia that a movie was started but they couldn't go on with it due to budget cuts. 发布 一年多以前
Callie2899 说 …
Do yo think Logan Lerman should play Will? 发布 一年多以前
Marygami12 评论…
are they making a movie? if they are they better not ruin this series like they did with percy jackson. 一年多以前
Callie2899 评论…
Yes, They were going to make a movie, but I don't know now. 一年多以前
Callie2899 评论…
Ya! I'm glad somebody thinks that. Some people think he's to old, Logan's 21 and Will's 15-16 in the first book. 一年多以前
numnumyellow67 说 …
Heh.... I read to the end of book two today....
I'm fine I'm fine I'm FINE.
*Sigh* Onto book THREE now....
I've got a long way to go. 发布 一年多以前
numnumyellow67 说 …
Read the entire first book today.
And I mean the WHOLE thing.
From chapter one on.
Took me about an 小时 and a half.

Now I need book two.
Fudge, I'm not going to the 图书馆 any time soon. 发布 一年多以前
CarolineG 说 …
Ok, so the part of Ruins of Gorlan that says that Will got hurt because the bow's rope gets on his arm is 更多 than true. I made a archery lesson 2day & that thing HURT SO BAD! but it is still awesome!!! 发布 一年多以前
Ranger_Garrick 评论…
I've done the same thing. Use an arm guard. 一年多以前
LiL_MrS_Cc 说 …
i 爱情 阅读 rangers apprentice... i fell in 爱情 with the characters in the first book :) i 爱情 will , and halt and gilan , horace ... i 爱情 most of the characters ... haha i would 爱情 to become a ranger .... i 爱情 all rangers .. hahah :) i 爱情 this series!!!!!:) 发布 一年多以前
mwesbffl 评论…
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 一年多以前
LoneFandomGirl 评论…
Relatable. 一年多以前
ravenfan102 说 …
anyone read the 迷失 stories 发布 一年多以前
mwesbffl 评论…
ME!!!!!!! 一年多以前
featherpelt 评论…
I have! 一年多以前
Ranger_Garrick 评论…
Of course! They're awesome! 一年多以前
greekgirlA 说 …
actually, it's only "ranger's apprentice" not "the" 发布 一年多以前
loorofzadaa 评论…
哈哈 一年多以前
greekgirlA 评论…
it dose sound like "the" though. 一年多以前
SuperNinja74 说 …
i can't believe they haven't made a ranger's apprentice movie yet
发布 一年多以前
greekgirlA 评论…
i know! they rox! and the movie would be sweet! 一年多以前
Riny17 评论…
OMG!! i HOPE so!!!!!!! <3 一年多以前
Meister8774 说 …
i hav all the 图书 they rock 发布 一年多以前
BeastBoyCahill 说 …
Rangers rock. 发布 一年多以前
mintymidget210 评论…
What is this SORCERY?! :D 一年多以前
mintymidget210 评论…
dude... I almost thought your 墙 was endless. XD 一年多以前
BeastBoyCahill 评论…
:DDD 一年多以前
BeastBoyCahill 评论…
XD No, not sorcery!! That's actually a very common misconception among the commoners! Rangers are so epic that it seems to many people that they are sorcerers, necromancers, it is a 流行的 urban legend! But, in fact, the awesomeness of rangers comes purely from their mental and physical skill. ^_^ 一年多以前
IllidanKael 说 …
read all 11 图书 so far 发布 一年多以前
awesome_sauce 评论…
*crying* ive only read two so far..... but they were very very good and i plan on 阅读 the entire series 一年多以前
EragonJackson 说 …
ive justbeen able to get the first five 图书 they were awesome i think I need to get the 下一个 five 哈哈 :) 发布 一年多以前
Kittycat19 评论…
From the facts that houses on this spot, and your 用户名 is EragonJackson, I have decided that 你 are an awesome person. 一年多以前
Kittycat19 评论…
你 are. Not houses. Stupid auto correct. 一年多以前
EragonJackson 评论…
why thank 你 :) 一年多以前
rangerfan98 说 …
I've finished 1-10 and heard thier was an 11th and it's supposed to be 20 years later then the last book. i'm not sure i like this because Halt would be like 70!
发布 一年多以前
Kittycat19 评论…
And will would be like 40! 一年多以前
SuperNinja74 评论…
Actually, the 11th book is a set of archived "Lost Stories" and are being read 由 someone in the future. The stories themselves vary through all 10 books. 一年多以前
simpleplan 说 …
I am almost done with book 9 i 爱情 these 图书 发布 一年多以前
simpleplan 评论…
I am done with the 9th book loved it :) 一年多以前
moonglow123 说 …
IM ALMOST DONE WITH BOOK 7!!!!!!!!!!btw its AWESOME XDDDD 发布 一年多以前
big smile
kingdomheartsmm 说 …
I 爱情 these books! My dad got the first one for me to read on our big vacation to mexico (I 爱情 to read) and I was sort of intimidated 由 the cover. But then I tried it and loved it! 由 the way, I think the 作者 is a Lord of the Rings fan, there's a definite similarity between those people like Eragorn and the rangers. 发布 一年多以前
moonglow123 评论…
IKR?!?!i luv this sereis i luv 2 read too 一年多以前
sparckly1234123 评论…
i have one to 6 i need the rest man grrrr i need those books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 一年多以前