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Is the US Tour any good???? I've seen some say it was awful but some 说 it was good. I'm going to see it in a few months and want to know what to expect.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How many versions of POTO currently exist? I want to know so I can watch/read them all :)
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Is there a full sad version of Masquerade?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Anyone want a good read?
What is the worst Version of POTO 你 have seen and why?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Who is your 最喜爱的 Christine?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What would 你 do if they changed something in your 最喜爱的 version of POTO because it was offensive? Would 你 still be a loyal Phan of that version, 或者 would 你 disregard your good memories of that version?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why does Madame Giry (or the Persian, if 你 read the book) tell Raoul to keep his hand at the level of his eyes when he goes to save Christine?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Was Madame Giry an ally to the Phantom?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 know if I can find Erik: Portrait of a living corpse anywhere online?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
If Christine loved the Phantom, why didn't she stay with him?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why is The Phantom the 天使 of Music, but in The Phantom of the Opera (song) he sings "Sing, my 天使 of Music"
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How old is Raoul?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What are your favourite songs that are not from any of the musical versions, but they make 你 think of the phantom of the opera?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How old is Erik/The Phantom?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Ok I'm gonna ask the obvious here but here goes why do many dislike Raoul?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What does the monkey 音乐 box mean?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
For those who have seen the phantom of the opera stage musical what was the experience like for you?
Ok if It was up to 你 what what your sequel be to the phantom of the opera what would like to see happen to erik?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I recently heard that there was a different musical of the phantom of the opera other than the ALW one can anyone tell me the differences in the story of the two ?
If they were going to make another phantom of the opera movie which actor would 你 like and which version would 你 want portrayed on film?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When Meg finds the Phantom's mask at the end, does it have a meaning?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Isnt it sad to think that Eric's own mother detested him?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How do your life experiences effect your view of The Phantom of the Opera?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When did the term "Phan" originate? And who came up with it?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why do Phans 爱情 Susan Kay's "Phantom" as much as they HATE Frederick Forsyth's "The Phantom of Manhattan?"
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
In which 年 was the Phantom set?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
In the Yeston/Kopit version (1984/1990) Christine's voice and Erik's mother's voice sound exactly the same. Could this happen in real life?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When Christine says to the Phantom "We had such hopes but now those hopes are shattered" what does she mean?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When Christine and Raoul were on the roof Christine heard the Phantom say her name, did she forget he was there during the song 或者 did she know and not care because Raoul made her feel safe?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When Christine was at her father's grave did she know the voice claiming to be the 天使 of 音乐 was the Phantom?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
does anyone know if they still make copies of this book?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
When the Phantom, Christine, and Raoul are in the Phantom's catacombs, Christine tells the Phantom that she hates him, then she kisses him. And when she and Raoul are leaving she looks back at the Phantom and sings. Why did she say she hated him?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Did Christine 吻乐队(Kiss) the Phantom just to free Raoul 或者 did she actually care for him?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Did Christine mean what she 说 in Past the Point of No Return 或者 was she just trying to convince the Phantom that she did?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
In the movie why did the Phantom take Christine's ring, then give it back? Why did the Phantom leave it on her grave when she gave it to him so he could remember her with something she personally owned?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone want to investigate whether POTO is a true story?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know if Gaston Leroux actually 说 the phantom existed on his deathbed?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I am looking for primary sources regarding how The Phantom of the Opera was turned into a musical from its 前一个 versions. Does anyone have any documents 或者 information that could be of use?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is the United Church of Erik? Why does it have a different definition of what it means to be a Phan?
Question, what is Meg's vocal part?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
A Phan's worst nightmare... loosing all downloaded 25th anniversary POTO CDs. Need Help replacing. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! Need response ASAP!
Why do most Phans hate 爱情 Never Dies?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
If 你 had to give away ALL of your Phantom of the Opera collection, EXCEPT one item, what would it be? WHY?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Ok, versions of POTO have made the OPERA "Faust" sound interesting, but I can't find a version that is... PLEASE HELP!
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What do 你 like best about being a Phan?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why is the Kay novel so widely accepted?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
How much of the 1990 version was filmed at the Paris Opera House?
What do 你 hate most about the Dario Argento version?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What 年 did "The Phantom of the Opera" original novel first go out of print?
Would anyone like to Role Play Phantom with me via email? I need an Erik!
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I live in the United Sates, where can I see Ken Hill's The Phantom of the Opera full show?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
In ALW version of Phantom why is Raoul a Vicomte? plus 更多 questions...
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why does everybody hate the Dario Argento version, where the Phantom and Christine ARE IN LOVE?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Did 你 know that there is a sequal to the Phantom Of The Opera? It's called 爱情 Never Dies. 你 can watch it on YouTube. It's under the name of 爱情 Neve Dies Parte 1-5. It's really good. I recommend that 你 watch it.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why do phans have the primeval urge to have sex with Erik/ The Phantom?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is this mask made of?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why the hate on the 2004 ALW/JS film?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why do so many people seem to hate Raoul and/or Christine?
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Do 你 think Hadley Fraser was Cute as Raoul?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
have 你 played the game?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
do 你 think that Christine was good enough for Erik?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What would 你 do if 你 encountered the phantom?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
who's your 最喜爱的 phantom?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Erik 或者 Raoul? which is physically attractive to you?
7 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what is your 最喜爱的 part on the phantom
11 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have 你 ever tried 唱歌 the songs from the movie?
18 粉丝 回答了这个问题
if 你 were Chrisitine who would 你 have gone to? Erik 或者 Raoul?
24 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Have 你 read the book?
10 粉丝 回答了这个问题
In the 2004 movie, is Gerard Butler the one singing?
15 粉丝 回答了这个问题
ALW Shirt???
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
would 你 give phantom a hug?
29 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone know where I can find Phantomy funny comics online?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Does anyone have any suggestions for a Christine costume?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
does anyone know where this quote might be from?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Phantom, the Las Vegas spectacular.
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Best online shops to find details for an ALW Phantom costume?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
The Phantom: Psychopath 或者 sociopath?
6 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Are there audio recordings of MotN with the earlier lyrics?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what would 你 say the main theme of the phantom of the opera is? (the original novel)
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why do some E/C shippers 爱情 LND for its E/C shipping efforts?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Think of any singer who actually has 更多 of a ("supernaturally") BEAUTIFUL 唱歌 voice?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
in the 2004 movie, why does Erik have a mini model of the stage and little 玩偶 and stuff?? cause if 你 ask me that's just kinda creepy...(especially when he starts switching their heads around)
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
dose any one think that some of the songs are well lets just say makes u fell fuzy.
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Will any one 加入 the phantom of the opera rocks club 3 people have!! :D
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What does one wear when they're going to see the stage show?
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Ice dancers performed a piece of Phantom. What country did they represent and what are their names?
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how do 你 feel about this?
4 粉丝 回答了这个问题
What is your 最喜爱的 song that is sung in The Phantom of the Opera (Movie)?
15 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Should i post the sequel to my phanphic when im done with it?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Why doesn't ALW's original musical state that the Phantom's name was Erik?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
so is she?
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
shoul I continue my phanom after the opera fanfic? and what couyld I improve? plz tell me!
1 粉丝 回答了这个问题
do people actually LICK him and her?
5 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Broadway Cast for 2004-06-07?
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what other versions of phantom are out there (books, movies, etc.) that are good?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
what is madame giry's first name?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Where can I buy foreign language recordings?
2 粉丝 回答了这个问题
I desperatly want to watch the 1989 horror version of The Phantom of the Opera. It is one I havn't seen yet. Can anyone let me know were online I might be able to watch it? Thanks.
3 粉丝 回答了这个问题
Origin of Punjab lasso?
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Emmy Rossum
ALW's Phantom of the Opera movie
Erik and Christine
Patrick Wilson
ALW 爱情 Never Dies
Universal Monsters
The Phantom of the Opera (1986)
Phantom of the Opera (1990)
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