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posted by TBUGoth
I have no name, my mother didn’t bother to give me one, I am just known as The Phantom. The young ballerinas of the Opera christened me that, and, it just fit. No human name ever fits me, maybe that's because I’ve never looked human so I’ve never felt human. It's 更多 than that though, I’ve never felt like a “Him” 或者 a “Her” I feel like a “thons” I guess 或者 an “It” but that’s too literal! A ghost must be mysterious and be able to disappear into the shadows of the darkness, into ambiguity. As a thons I am alone! I want to marry a beautiful woman to prove to others I...
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added by minakoa
Source: http://phantomasquerade.tumblr.com/
 Illustration from Kay novel. He certainly looks depressed.
Illustration from Kay novel. He certainly looks depressed.
This 文章 shall pertain to the 'holy trinity' of Phantom. The Leroux, Kay, and Andrew Lloyd Webber versions. The basic idea is to look at each individual portrayal of the Phantom and ascertain approximately the extent of his mental deterioration and psychosis. I will also discuss the probable causes and catalysts for these behaviours.
This is 由 no means a full psychoanalysis, and in the long run is only meant to calm me down with some logical thinking after a very bad week. I.E. 你 don't have to like it 或者 agree with it.
I shall begin with Leroux since that is the original perception of...
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added by mariatasnim
Christine kisses Erik, who pretends to fulfill a promise but tells a devastating lie. She agrees to marry him in the book, giving up HER dreams. her COMPASSION is her STENTGH. The book was about a women's right to marry who she chooses.
"The Phantom of the Opera" is feminst Raoul follows her to her Father's grave for no reason when he says the 天使 of 音乐 isn't real he is being overprotective When Christine knows the truth he is someone to go to for support. He can't save himself from Erik's torture chamber! The Persian was the first Arab character I saw post-9/11. He was heroic, intelligent,...
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added by TBUGoth
Source: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k534525z/f5.image
posted by TBUGoth
Christine sat in her dressing room waiting to go on for the first time. What had led up to this moment was extraordinary. The 天使 of 音乐 had 给 her this gift, and so much more, over the past three months, 爱情 of 音乐 bonded them; forever. She and her father had loved 音乐 he had taught her to sing, but since he had died, ten years ago, she hadn’t felt she sang beautifully, but now she knew it. The 天使 came, and with her father’s promise being fulfilled, she reflected on the past three months.

Christine arrived in her dressing room, aside from the antique 金牌 mirror, the rose-red...
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added by JustHuddy
Phantom of the Opera movie with Brak 显示 and Original 伦敦 Cast audio.
brak 显示
added by BringMeToLife34
Source: 脸谱 fapage
added by FrenchHorn
added by TBUGoth
Source: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k534545n/f3.image
added by TBUGoth
Source: 亚马逊 日本
This particular version of The Phantom of the Opera is set in Peter Pan’s London. As The Musical Peter Pan is almost 70 years old, The original creator of the Saint Joan opera is long dead, and thus the role of Phantom has been passed on to me. Thus, the Musical Peter Pan was stolen from me, along with my humanity, as Saint Joan was stolen, from Professor L. Petrie. It Starts with a beautiful Broadway 星, 星级 Mary Martin, (who is my Christine,) who drew in children with her performance of Peter Pan, Saint Joan of Arc pretending to be of the masculine gender with a dagger. Your Phantom at the...
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added by JustHuddy
Source: elavielevenstar
added by phantom910
Source: phantom910
added by TBUGoth
Source: 亚马逊
I was watching the silent Lon Chaney version of "The Phantom of the Opera" earlier on TCM, and I began to do some pondering about the many Phantom movies.

When someone thinks of The Phantom of the Opera, often there are two iconic 图片 that will come to mind. One is the famous unmasking of Lon Chaney, rightfully recognized as one of the very iconic 图片 of not only horror, but of cinema itself. His face makeup is taken from the original novel's 描述 of Erik, as someone with a horrible deformity from birth that gives him a terrifying corpse-like appearance.

The 秒 iconic image...
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