The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Club
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added by Yellowflash1102
added by KayakoFanatic
I woke up. I put on my glasses and I see that Yuki is sleeping with her arms wrapped around me. I carefully remove her arms and get up.
"Hey, Yuki, wake up."
She opens her eyes slowly and yawns.
"Good morning, did 你 sleep well...?"
"Y-Yeah, I guess. Hey, shouldn't we be going to school 或者 something?"
Her eyes widen as she stands up abruptly.
"W-What time is it?! I have to get to school quickly!"
She runs into the bathroom with her clothes in her arms.
"Well, that escalated fast.", I think to myself as I walk into the living room.
Suddenly, I hear someone knocking on the entrance door. I walk up to...
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added by simrananime
added by Bratz4life
added by NagisaFurukawa-
added by Trignity
added by KayakoFanatic
added by KayakoFanatic
added by KayakoFanatic
added by starzach
Source: Deviantart
It's late. I'm sitting at my computer as usual, listening to music. I'm chatting with my 老友记 on Skype, MSN, YouTube, DeviantArt, and Tumblr. They're all really nice people and enjoy chatting with them. After a few hours of 随意 internet usage, I go to 床, 床上 where I grab my Dakimakura 枕头 of Yuki. Seeing her blushing face in the darkness always makes me feel happy inside, no matter how crappy I feel. I roll around trying to find the most comfortable position. I finally fall asleep. With my face against Yuki's, I have this weird dream of her warning me about something, but I can't make...
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posted by YuriNakamura8
 Haruhi Suzumiya and the Brigade members tend to helping Yuki Nagato get better from her sickness.
Haruhi Suzumiya and the Brigade members tend to helping Yuki Nagato get better from her sickness.
I am writeing this story to tell all of 你 who think that Haruhi Suzumiya is annoying. And bossy. Later in The Haruhi Suzumiya series. 你 find out in the Haruhi Suzumiya 日本漫画 and light novel books. That Haruhi Suzumiya gets a character development. Haruhi Suzumiya's attitude becomes calmer. 你 find out that Haruhi Suzumiya is less bossy.'' Haruhi Suizumiya is still the SOS Brigade leader.'' Haruhi instead of her bossing others around she ask them if they want to do something with her. There was a part in the Haruhi Suzumiya Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya novel book that showed 你 when Haruhi...
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added by Trignity
added by KayakoFanatic
added by KayakoFanatic