The Medicine 猫 Of Warriors! Wall

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KittyKat0008 说 …
Hi! I am Nightheart, the medicine cat of moonclan. Nice to meet 你 ^^ 发布 一年多以前
Icetail_love 说 …
The answer to the Question, What does 扫帚 do? is (drumroll) for Broken 识骨寻踪 and Wounds!!! if 你 chew the leaves into poultice and applay to wounds, it will help close the wound and stop infection, If 你 feed the leaves to a cat with a broken bone, it will help strengthen the cat and the bone for faster healing! 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Icetail_love 说 …
Feel free to add pictures of your cat 或者 pictures of a cat 你 just helped!! 发布 一年多以前