The Lovely 识骨寻踪 (The film) Wall

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FanFic_Girl_26 说 …
I also like this film. Of course, like all 电影院 that are based on books, there are some scenes that are left out (which I realize is usually a good idea). :) 发布 一年多以前
karolinak1999 说 …
I 爱情 this movie so much!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
ChuckyLover1 说 …
That was a damn good movie... 发布 一年多以前
Xavier20 说 …
saw the film 2 days ago... so sad film but really good :) I like the heaven scene, it reminds me of my late friend... :( 发布 一年多以前
nabila22 说 …
I saw all beauty of the film in my 幻想 & dream.....So...... That's my Dearest film
发布 一年多以前
FadingSpark 说 …
yay just bought the book XD the one with the movie 壁纸 on it :)
its been a 年 since i read it, so i'm gonna read it again :D 发布 一年多以前
imteamedward 说 …
hav u read the book to this?? 发布 一年多以前
Isaac_W_Yuppers 评论…
Yus. 一年多以前
Cherry9090 说 …
I usually dont watch 电影院 like this but my foster mom talked me into it bc of what happened to me i thought it was very moving and very beautiful a tear jerker i cried so much during this movie and the sec time watching it (tonight) i cries even 更多 not just for susie 或者 the other girls 或者 even myself but for all those sweet innocent little girls and boys who where never saved never thought of afterward how can this world be so damn cruel im still crying i 爱情 this movie and will share 发布 一年多以前
Cherry9090 评论…
the killer did not serve his time he was not caught even tho susies sister brought the truth out he stll got away with it that makes me so mad i cryfor that to even to he met hes maker at the end it was NOT justice he should have been fucking tortured! he looks so much like my dad i swear i kinda wish i never watched the damn thing! but i 爱情 it all the same and a huge *highfive* for the girl at the end im proud she didnt give i to him 一年多以前
TelevisionFan 评论…
hell yeah. 一年多以前
KatiiCullen94 说 …
I am still moved 由 this movie every viewing.
It makes me thinks about, this really happens to innocent families and beautiful girls.
I cried.
Song to the Siren was a perfect song. 发布 一年多以前
Dellycup 说 …
I've just written a review of the movie on my blog. I'd appreciate some feedback from the fans.
link 发布 一年多以前
fatoshleo 说 …
oh the banner is a bummer!
sorry, but i 爱情 this movie. it's one of my favs! 发布 一年多以前
Brandey 说 …
This movie made me wanna die for a second.... 发布 一年多以前
KatiiCullen94 说 …
me too! i got all of my 老友记 to watch it! 发布 一年多以前
Twilightluv3r 说 …
omg this movie had me in tears :( 发布 一年多以前
CassiLuvsBrndon 评论…
oh tht movie was sad 一年多以前
Musiquelover 评论…
that movie had me crying for about a good 10 minutes. It was really sad 一年多以前