The Host Club
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added by KarinaCullen
added by ebcullen4ever
The scene of Wanda 接吻 Ian and almost immediately making out with Jared was intense and I liked it. I mean I didn’t like the part when Ian starts 接吻 Wanda and she didn’t feel that overwhelm and he had to go find Jared. But at the same time I liked it. People must think that that was Wanda’s fault for not responding but it wasn’t. It was Melanie who didn’t responded because the only one that could bring her back was Jared.

When Jared kissed Wanda 你 could see the great 爱情 that Mel and Jared had for each other. Jared knew that Mel was there. He was determinate to find her,...
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added by marthatsal
Source: hospedieros 脸谱
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
added by IcyBlue29
Source: My host pick
added by rkebfan4ever
the host
added by KarinaCullen
added by BonalDea
Credit: julie no
the host
ian o'shea
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by kuncuyug
added by melikhan
added by KarinaCullen
added by Blacklillium
added by melikhan
posted by Renesmee_XD
Okay so I know a couple of people haven't been able to access this chapter in English and the download 链接 are scare. So I decided to post this up. Enjoy!
I'm all alone. 
It's dark. I can't remember where I am . . . 或者 why I'm here. It's wrong that I'm alone. Where is Wanda? I can't see to look for her. I can't remember how to call for her. It's silent. I can't feel her. I can't feel our body. 
Panic starts to set in as I wait for her voice. For her to say my name. To tell me where we are. To open my eyes so we can see. I need to hear her...
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added by karlyluvsam
Source: beatricestryder@tumblr
added by fatoshleo