The Body 商店
The Body 商店 Wall
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说 …
hi :) i work in The body 商店 in Poland :) so if 你 will be in Poland come to The body 商店 in Warsaw in Złote Tarasy (Golden Terraces) :)
发布 一年多以前

说 …
hi there im a body 商店 @ 首页 consultant and am looking for clients that would be interested in ordering direct from me via phone 或者 email, throught out the uk. I can 电子邮箱 over an e-brochure on request. Please 电子邮箱 with any 问题 你 may have. I will be happy to help:) If 你 live in Essex, uk i can do door to door sales with you. The Body 商店 @ 首页 has exclusive offers not available in store and exclusive body 商店 products not available in store.
发布 一年多以前

说 …
If anybody is interested in holding a Body 商店 @ 首页 Party in Essex uk, please let me know. Its an ideal chance for 圣诞节 shopping and catching up with friends. As a thank 你 All Party Hosts Recieve
*£25 of FREE products of their choice And
70% off purchases when party sales reach £230 或者 more*
发布 一年多以前
*£25 of FREE products of their choice And
70% off purchases when party sales reach £230 或者 more*
发布 一年多以前

说 …
I 爱情 this shop! it is amazing but expensive but It i sgood for your body so ya know thats tht ;)
发布 一年多以前

说 …
I 爱情 your Shea 牛油, 黄油 Products. If anyone wanna know 更多 about the benefits of shea products. Plz visit my site!
发布 一年多以前

说 …
I have a pair of Body 商店 earrings I would like to sell. Anyone interested in purchasing? (Canada only)
发布 一年多以前