Tainaka Ritsu Updates

a comment was made to the icon: Ricchan 一年多以前 by ritsubf08
a pop quiz question 增加: What instrument didn´t she played in the series? 一年多以前 by UtauHoshina1
a poll 增加: Would 你 want Ritsu to sing too? 一年多以前 by UtauHoshina1
a link 增加: Adopt Ritsu Tainaka 一年多以前 by simrananime
a photo 增加: Ritsu Genderbend 一年多以前 by simrananime
a comment was made to the poll: Ritsu looks better in the 日本动漫 或者 Manga? 一年多以前 by LukasQuincy
a comment was made to the poll: Is Ricchan your favourite K-On character? 一年多以前 by LukasQuincy
fan art 增加: Ritsu-chan 一年多以前 by GaoChan
a comment was made to the photo: MyAnimeList Ritsu Tainaka FC Member Cards 一年多以前 by SelenicSoul7
a video 增加: Ritsu's Kodak Moment Series <3 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Mokujise Happy 100% (Ritsu Tainaka Character Image Song) 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Well, the fact that they're both lazy short-haired brunettes DOES make them similar, so yeah. XD I'm sure there are 更多 similarities that I just... 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Well, the fact that they're both lazy short-haired brunettes DOES make them similar, so yeah. XD I'm sure there are 更多 similarities that I just... 一年多以前 by CandyforniaGurl
a comment was made to the answer: No one! Ritsu is the funniest one in K-ON series. Yui is the 秒 funniest. 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Well, the fact that they're both lazy short-haired brunettes DOES make them similar, so yeah. XD I'm sure there are 更多 similarities that I just... 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: glasses ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the poll: Which song is the best..? 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
an answer was added to this question: Do you think Yui and Ritsu are disturbingly alike in many ways? 一年多以前 by CandyforniaGurl
a comment was made to the answer: No one! Ritsu is the funniest one in K-ON series. Yui is the 秒 funniest. 一年多以前 by 3ASV89
a comment was made to the answer: No one! Ritsu is the funniest one in K-ON series. Yui is the 秒 funniest. 一年多以前 by 3ASV89
a comment was made to the answer: No one! Ritsu is the funniest one in K-ON series. Yui is the 秒 funniest. 一年多以前 by 3ASV89
a comment was made to the answer: So hard to pick! xD But I think Yui. xD 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Yui I guess ^______^ 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: No one! Ritsu is the funniest one in K-ON series. Yui is the 秒 funniest. 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
an answer was added to this question: Who do you think Ritsu is more funny with? Mio, Yui or Mugi? 一年多以前 by 3ASV89
an answer was added to this question: Who do you think Ritsu is more funny with? Mio, Yui or Mugi? 一年多以前 by princess989898
an answer was added to this question: Who do you think Ritsu is more funny with? Mio, Yui or Mugi? 一年多以前 by rikku_chan
a question 增加: Who do you think Ritsu is more funny with? Mio, Yui or Mugi? 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Girly Storm Shissou Stick - Ritsu Tainaka Image Song 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Let's Go (Ritsu Version) 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Yuuzora A La Carte - Ritsu Tainaka Image Song 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Yui Scares Ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a video 增加: Ritsu Without Her Headband 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a poll 增加: Is Ricchan your favourite K-On character? 一年多以前 by rikku_chan
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a question 增加: Do you think Yui and Ritsu are disturbingly alike in many ways? 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Hot Ritsu..? 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Funny Ritsu's scene! 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Ritsu Tainaka 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Don't Say Lazy! 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the photo: Ritsu Tainaka rulez!!!! 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Everything, but the things about her that stand out the most are: Her comedic actions... Seriously, Ricchan is hilarious! Almost everything she does... 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: Everything, but the things about her that stand out the most are: Her comedic actions... Seriously, Ricchan is hilarious! Almost everything she does... 一年多以前 by IwannaLickRitsu
a comment was made to the photo: Ritsu 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the video: Ritsu Gets Slapped 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the video: Ritsu Invents Inward 唱歌 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
a comment was made to the answer: She's bold, but sensitive. Everything is on the outside with Ricchan, she has nothing to hide. She is the perfect 'boke' for Mio's 'tsukkomi', yet... 一年多以前 by blackpanther666
an answer was added to this question: What do you love about Ritsu? 一年多以前 by blackpanther666