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Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett Who should Sweeney be with in the end? Mrs Lovett 或者 Lucy Barker (beggar woman)

24 fans picked:
Mrs Lovett
Lucy (beggar women)
 xxLovettxx posted 一年多以前
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zanhar1 picked Mrs Lovett:
definatly, lucy and sweeney changed to much. were as mrs. lovett was helping him throught the entire show.
posted 一年多以前.
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amoulton picked Mrs Lovett:
Lucy couldn't remember him, she had gone insane, they weren't going to have the same relationship, ever, and Mrs.Lovett and Sweeney.... they just look right together.
posted 一年多以前.
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khajitt picked Mrs Lovett:
^ Not to mention that it was Benjamin Barker whom Lucy loved. Not Sweeney Todd, a crazy murderer.
posted 一年多以前.