Sushi Club
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 That is image of vegetable sushis.
That is image of vegetable sushis.
I think everyone who loves sushi knows, that it isn't only raw fish. Sushi can be also made of baked fish, vegetables, chicken 或者 something else. Many people thinks sushi is only raw 鱼 with rice, but that isn't so. My 最喜爱的 sushi is maybe tuna sushi, and we all know tuna is fresh fish. And if 你 don't believe me, just check out the Wikipedia: link

Many people says sushi is disgusting just because they think sushi is only raw fish. I think everyone who have tasted sushi, 或者 steeped in sushi things, knows sushi is not only raw fish.
 And this is chicken teryaki sushi!
And this is chicken teryaki sushi!
Sushi has gone a long way now. From the traditional ancient way of preparing sushi in Japan, it has satisfied the appetite of many peoples in the world. The US has made many variations of sushi and creative ideas of serving sushi have been made. One presentation is called sushi dishes.


Sushi dishes are plates of ingredients of sushi which try to preserve the traditional style of serving sushi in the restaurants, at home, 或者 at 晚餐 parties. There are many sources for sushi dishes such as stores which specialize in Asian house utensils and 食物 establishments suppliers.

Traditional practices...
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posted by Rsushi11
It’s an art, a delectable bite, an addiction, a delicious way to be creative and one of the most recognizable Japanese foods that Americans consume. We all know it 由 name and we all know it 由 sight. It’s sushi!

We are all familiar with sushi, whether 你 enjoy its complexities and taste 或者 not. But, did 你 know that there are “rules” to eating this food. What?! 你 didn’t know there were rules that saved 你 from making a fool of yourself while eating sushi at your 最喜爱的 sushi bar? Ok, I use the term “rules” loosely. They are just suggested guidelines. Well, I will now...
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