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www.tvinsider.com -by Meredith Jacobs
www.nerdsandbeyond.com - 由 Briar
www.looper.com -BY XANDRA HARBET
ew.com - 由 Samantha Highfill - "Why else do 你 make a 显示 if 你 can't work with your friends?"
www.looper.com -BY XANDRA HARBET
screenrant.com -BY RHYS MCGINLEY -Supernatural 粉丝 on Reddit have many ideas on what should have happened in the finale.
screenrant.com -BY CRAIG ELVY -The Winchesters marks Supernatural's very first spinoff after several failed attempts, but the prequel is already avoiding a mistake the others made.
bleedingcool.com -by 射线, 雷 Flook
www.ksitetv.com -by Craig Byrne
collider.com -BY BRITTA DEVORE -The 'Supernatural' prequel series is set to debut on October 11
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