星, 星级 Wars: Clone Wars Club
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 clone wars interactive book with 链接 to online games
clone wars
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This 星, 星级 Wars: Clone Wars 照片 contains 动漫, 漫画书, 漫画, 卡通, and 漫画卡通.

Full episode from the initial 2003 cartoon series.
full episode
chapter 1
clone wars
This is a really funny fandub spoof of when Anakin and Obi-Wan first meet Ahsoka when she left the ship. I was cracking up. Enjoy it, it was done 由 12GalindaGirl
clone wars
星, 星级 wars the clone wars
fandub spoof
posted by starwarsfangirl
Okay, read the first chapter first.
This is where things get interesting, k?

“Well, greetings to you, Jedi scum. Are 你 ready to die?” Cad Bane said, smirking from under his wide rimmed hat.
“Not quite, Bounty Hunter. Where’s Obi-Wan?” Anakin demanded. Bane just smirked and waved his hand, signaling the others to continue shooting.

“I don’t like these odds Master!” Ahsoka called over the blasts, deflecting a laser with her lightsaber and sending back to one of the people shooting.
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a cloaked figure emerged from the alley 墙 beside them. She swiftly...
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added by beefer
Source: beefer
added by superstar760
When the James Caird finally lands on Saleucami, everyone is getting off the ship.

Ahsoka: Okay. Clones, I need all of 你 to form around the boulders and wait for my signal.

While all the clones are running to where they were told, Captain Rex goes to speak with Ahsoka.

Rex: Are 你 sure this plan will actually work.

Ahsoka: Of course. I've gone over it with my master. If everyone does everything right we'll come out in no t-

She is interuppted 由 Rex's lips.

She quickly lets go angrily.

Ahsoka: Rex, be careful. We would've gotten caught!

Rex: Sorry, love. But I ju-

A clone comes up in front of them...
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added by starwars101
Full episode from the initial 2003 cartoon series.
full episode
chapter 2
posted by AaronThomas
Lyon Resnov blocked another vicious attack from the unknown Sith assassin. The Sith was using Juyo, the most fierce and aggressive in the galaxy. It was hard to defend, but not impossible. Lyon switched to the Soresu defensive stance, a very effective stance. The key was to wait for the perfect moment, then he would strike. Strength was also key. He needed to conserve his.

The Sith let out lightning from his finder tips, but Lyon was absorbing it with his saber. He mustered his strength and performed a massive Force push, sending the Sith flying. Sensing victory, Lyon moved in for the kill,...
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Obi-Wan couldn't keep this a secret any longer. He knew he had to tell someone. This secret was one secret that in which no longer needed to be kept. The secret? He and Satine were going to be parents! The pregnancy occurred before SHE got killed 由 Maul and after HE faked his death. The Jedi order gave Obi-Wan a temporary leave and he traveled to Mandelore. He was ecstatic to see Satine again and when they had a moment alone, let's just say one thing led to another. Yes, Satine was over the moon about becoming a mother, but also worried about what the news might do to Obi-Wan if the Jedi found...
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posted by lovingflame
As Captain Rex woke up,he groaned.He felt as if he'd gone 10 rounds with a jack hammer and lost."Hey,pal." a female voice croaked weakly. Opening his eyes he saw the woman from his dream.Groaning he shut his eyes again."Come on man,speak. I'm bored. They didn't even let Ora come visit." For the first time he realized he could understand her. So he opened his eyes again."How can I understand you?" then he held up a hand."Let me guess 你 don't know." Rex sat up noticing that he had bruises from his chest all the way down to his waist."Sorry.I got a little rough,but at least 你 were in front...
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posted by lovingflame
(this is only for fun, not profit. Most of the story is filled with George Lucus' brilliant ideas.So I can't take credit for alot of it, just some of it.)

Ahsoka found Rex sitting alone and taking a drink at a back booth, in the officer's mess. Eye brows quirked up as she found a 座位 下一个 to him."Hey young'un', whats on your mind?"
"Alot actually."She rubbed the still itching imprint against her leg. Picking her hand up, Rex flipped it over."Where did this come from?" His keen eyes making out the pattern of a hand through the reddness. Ahsoka, fidgeted uncomfortably."I don't know?" Narrowing...
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posted by lovingflame
It had been a full week,since Sharp had moved in. Since then Ahsoka had had to fight him on a number of issues from going to her classes to down to the mess 或者 training grounds. She smiled to herself as she'd begun to think of Sharp as an irritating younger brother.He'd gotten his way on everything,even going to class. Sharp was at the moment down at the mess getting a bite to eat. He'd enlisted his brother's in their squad Set-Off and K.P. to bring down 食物 when they got done with kp. They'd gotten in trouble when they had taken some covert cams and placed them into the ceilings of some commanders....
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posted by lovingflame
Sharp had come 由 after he'd talked to Commander Flash, taking up the bunk across from hers. Now she felt like a child, couldn't have a sniffle without somebody making a big huff about it. She rolled her eyes as he stowed away his gear. Rolling to the 墙 she fell asleep. In the folds of her dream Ahsoka felt herself standing on a wooden porch over looking a river. Walking out onto the floating bridge she turned and took in the surroundings. The sun coming through the
leaves gave off a greenish lite. Cabins rose high into those trees and had strong ropes dangling from their porches along with...
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posted by lovingflame
Anakin checked on both women as they slept uneasy. Even with the force he couldn't stop Padame's cousin from the heavy guilt rampaging through her system. He'd 给 up and called the Chancellor."I need to know who's behind this and I need to know soon." Chancellor Palpatine's face was a mask of concern."Yes, I know Anakin but these things take time.The investigation could take months 你 can't spare away from the battle." Anakin rocked back and forth on his heels."Yes I know that,but a couple of days. At least Padame and Reaya will want to arrive in time for the funerals." Palpatine nodded...
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posted by lovingflame
Lord Sideous image squawked "Have 你 found the rest of that splinter group?"
"No my lord there has been no trace since their disapearance. Perhaps Master Yoda could be of some assistance in this matter." Count Dooku suggested. "Yes, I will offer to bring the 迷失 羊 back into the fold." Sideous smiled. "The mercenary scum have arrived at your request." Coughed an irritated General Grievous.Sideous' smile broadened greatly,"Oh, yes. Please have them dropped off near Mayor Remis' home,they have a small problem to take care of for me."
"As 你 wish, my lord." Grievous bowed to the image.Clicking off, the Chancellor leaned back into his chair. One problem taken care of. Couldn't have men such as the mayor Remis causing upheavel about the new laws."Ah, Anakin come to give me the latest reports."
posted by lovingflame
"Sir!Commander Flash!" Sharp knocked on the Commander's apartment door . Sharp needed to tell someone what he'd learned."What? What's wrong cadet?" Commander Flash opened the door, wipping his eyes he peered at the cadet.
Oh, great another one, he thought."I need to talk to you, its about Ahsoka. Sir." Flash shook his head, as he turned his dekar around to allow the cadet to enter. Closing the door he refocused on the intruder."You're not falling for her, are you? Because if 你 are, 你 can just go take a cold shower. Like I've told most of Snake squad. Of course its natural.We don't see to...
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