Soul Eater Not! Wall

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Azun 说 …
I finished the anime(Soul Eater Not) which my friend recommended to me. It was not what I thought it would be. It was better. 发布 一年多以前
NagisaFurukawa- 评论…
Yep Soul Eater Not! is one of my 收藏夹 in all of Anime. I enjoyed it so much. :3 一年多以前
Palin_X765 说 …
I remember 阅读 it and couldn't wait for an 日本动漫 version to come out, but i missed the last three episodes gotta catch up 发布 一年多以前
CF_the_Kid2 说 …
I know I 说 SEN was just okay before, but I kinda take it back now. It's starting to grow on me. 发布 一年多以前
ana_tai_tadase 评论…
I also thought that when i saw they were making an spin-off of Soul Eater but yeah when i watched it, it was actually good and now i'm kinda of loving it <3 一年多以前
Gwiazdeczka 说 …
37th 粉丝 :) 发布 一年多以前
big smile
ShaniGirl14 说 …
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! Soul Eater Not! 粉丝 check out the 测试 questions! If 你 read the book their super easy (I made them.) :3 发布 一年多以前
big smile
ShaniGirl14 说 …
The first book is so cool! Why is because it further explains what all the students do their so far!
I'm loving it 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Alchemistlover 说 …
I haven't read it yet but i think it'll be good 发布 一年多以前
amu481 评论…
I have the 日本漫画 1 and 2 volumes theirs going to be volume 3 I'm going to get it 一年多以前