Shinedown Wall
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说 …
Im o very much in 爱情 with the song Sound Of Madness. Totally AWESOME! This band rocks!
发布 一年多以前

说 …
嘿 everybody 你 should be a 粉丝 of me xD i am a massive brach smyers 粉丝 xP some of 你 might actually understand what that is xD if not its brent smiths and zach myers bromance <3
发布 一年多以前


说 …
嘿 fellow shinedown fans! HUGE sale on their webstore... 50% of most tee shirts. Kind of amazing for the holidays, I bought like five for my friends. Check it out... link
发布 一年多以前

说 …
The 乌鸦 and the Butterfly's got me hypnotized...I'm listening to it right now. It's so beautiful, and the 音乐 vid is awesome. I can't stop listening to it actually, this is like the ninth time. Shinedown definitely IS epic, and their songs speak to my soul.
发布 一年多以前

说 …
I'm so obsessed wit Shinedown I looooooove thm <33 they r so awesome i'm there #1 粉丝 anyway, WE NEED 更多 FANS! Tell EVERY1 to join. SPREAD THE WORD OF THEIR EPICNESS!
发布 一年多以前

说 …
Shinedown is an awesome band:)
I absolutely 爱情 all their songs;D
Shinedown's #1 Fan;) 发布 一年多以前
I absolutely 爱情 all their songs;D
Shinedown's #1 Fan;) 发布 一年多以前