I 爱情 listenig to your music, My 最喜爱的 songs are "Treat 你 Better", "There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back", and 迷失 in Japan. From Claire Bryson XXXXXX
发布 一年多以前
Shawn Mendes is rocking all these 照片 shoots. Wow, he is good at them. I wish I could be as good as him. Like this is 你 think Shawn Mendes is good at 照片 shoots.
发布 一年多以前
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 爱情 YOU! 你 are my life and my inspiration! 你 have come so far since vine and MagCon. I am so proud and now your 18-a legal adult! I just went to your 音乐会 this past weekend for my birthday and it was the greatest night of my life! I hope 你 have an amazing day. It's incredible your just being yourself and doing something 你 爱情 and yet 你 change people's lives each and every 日 for the better! Happy Birthday Shawn! I 爱情 you! .
发布 一年多以前
●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● Happy Birthday SHAWN MENDES!!! ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● I wish u very best of luck for you,your future and your upcoming album! U r one of my biggest celeb crush! U r a new spotlight for our youngsters! Can't believe u turned 18.Awww! So lucky 2 wish u the first here!
发布 一年多以前
yo Shawn Mendes I 爱情 "stitches"I have a playlist on my phone "Stitches" is the only song on there and it is on it 81,920 time on it!Same with "something big" it is on it 344,064 times!also with "I know what 你 did last summer" it is on there 65,536 times! I also haveyou on my facebook. 你 are the awesomeest person ever 爱情 你 .by the way my name is Sydney Cheyenne McIntosh.
发布 一年多以前
嘿 Shawn mendes. Want to chat sometime please respond. I am your biggest fan. I 爱情 your singing. What inspired u to become a singer that's my question?shawn if u are online and can see this post I would 爱情 to talk to u. U are the one who inspired me to become a singer
发布 一年多以前
嘿 everyone I am 15 years old I 爱情 to sing. I sing a lot. I just became a a member of Shawn Mendeses 粉丝 club . Sorry I don't have a lot of fans. Shawn mendes u and me should chat some time that would be fun. 嘿 Shawn tell Taylor swifts hello for me okay. But shAwn u are my number one favorite. Shawn did u actual break up with your girl friend
发布 一年多以前