Dear Salma hayek, 下一个 年 could 你 be in the St Patricks 日 Parade in Chicago and ride in a facy Car? I Would most most really like that! P.S. how are 你 doing these days? On your movies. I am really exited for Grown ups 3 and three 狗 life!
发布 一年多以前
Dear Salma Hayek, 你 look so beautiful in your 照片 shoot in France I really like that!! well I am so looking 前锋, 期待 to seeing three dog life and grown ups three And I than 你 would enjoy it too. I would like to meet 你 at baba Gump 虾 at Navy Pier 或者 run into 你 at the Weber grill Restaurant 或者 the Water tower plaza. Right 由 the John Hancock center. don't for get about battle of the band if 你 want to go listen to music. There is always a chance to meet 你 in New York!!
发布 一年多以前
Dear Salma Hayek, Congrats on Everly the movie 你 did Could 你 do me a favor and shoot a movie in Chicago like could please make a full bunch of 电影院 that are shot in Chicago! I would really like so yes once again could 你 come to Chicago a lot of times 下一个 年 like let me say once a 月 middle I thank that sonds good and go to battle of the bands in chicago IL and have most of them be Comedy's like have Adam sandler in one of them 下一个 year!!!! Pretty Momma and 粉丝 JP! Thank 你
发布 一年多以前
Dear Salma Hayek the event is called battle of the bands in hamilton park chicago and i would 爱情 to meet 你 there if 你 go. and also i would like to know what kind of 音乐 do 你 enjoy listening to? sorry obout the mistake.
Dear Salma Hayek congratulations movie award. is me your number one 粉丝 in wisconsin. have 你 ever been to Chicago well if 你 ever can to 下一个 年 in 2016 could 你 to band camp tour in Down Town Chicago hamilton park I would 爱情 to meet 你 there! what 日 is Grown Ups 3 going to come out?
Dear Salma Hayek, I really like that wild wild west that movie that 你 did with Will Smith and Kevin Kline I 爱情 that movie is such a big joy to my hart and soul, 嘿 do 你 know what my 最喜爱的 part is when 你 are wearing that red robe. What is the name of that of that robe? I sure 爱情 to know!! o 由 the way good job on the on Grown Ups, 3 I really can't wait to see it! In the movie Center! I 爱情 你 and and my hart adores 你 are my sweet ferry!! 爱情 Jake P. Thank you!
发布 一年多以前
Selma, hope 你 get this msg. I've always adored you, but I especiall fell when I saw 你 in Frida. You're so versatile and admittedly one of the most prolific artist to hit the screen. Needless to say, you're absolutely adorable, down to earth and though you've probably already heard it from a thousand strangers, te quiero mucho. I also notice 你 were born on 2 September, 4 yrs after me. The 下一个 time I celebrate my BD, I'll be sure to 烤面包, 吐司 the most beautiful, elegant and desirable lady ever!
发布 一年多以前