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jlhfan624 说 …
Man I miss him. I'm still in a state of shock over his death. I hope deep down he knew just how happy he made everybody. 发布 一年多以前
Ventus4U 评论…
i hope so too 一年多以前
naneen1 说 …
Robin williams one of the best actors ever i miss
him i 爱情 him and i,ll never forget him ever 发布 一年多以前
Madlogic 说 …
Hi 发布 一年多以前
Eleni4ever 说 …
One of the best actors ever! I miss him!😭😭😭 发布 一年多以前
big smile
leonardomenezes 说 …
Miss him 发布 一年多以前
Mongoose09 说 …
I can't believe it's been a 年 already! :( 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 说 …
Do 你 think it is possible for Robin to fake his death? 发布 一年多以前
Simmeh 评论…
Possibly, (I would 爱情 it if he were still alive) but I honestly doubt he faked it. 一年多以前
NadineDeer 评论…
I don't believe he could've fake his own death. Most comedians are usually very depressed, so there's no way they could really fake their death through suicide. 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfam 评论…
^Yes, 你 are right. I’m a fool for not changing my picture and not using female icons. 一年多以前
Persephone713 说 …
I still cant believe he is gone. It makes me cry. He was a part of my life since I was three years old thats 23 yrs. He was suffering from something I suffer from - severe depression. I know how he felt. I wish I could have had a one on one talk with him, about how it feels to have that. I feel like I 迷失 my 最喜爱的 funny movie uncle. God Bless 你 Robin, 你 dont know how much I felt/feel for you..I know the pain. Im glad 你 are at Peace but wish 你 were here . " Genie You're Free". 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
hanhclubbl02 说 …
Hi all, i'm new member. Add 粉丝 me ^^ 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
zahra21 说 …
RIP Robin Williams forever 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
eugertabukali 说 …
R.I.P Robin Williams 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
DianaMC 说 …
Today I felt soooo friggin' bad again... :'( I don't think I'll get over this loss soon. I normally don't really "care" that much when celebrity's pass away, but this is so different!!! CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN FOREVER! 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
DepressedGuy 说 …
Robin will be forever missed :'( I grew Up watching his 电影院 . :( 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
edwardjames2014 说 …
I like robin,Bicentennial Man is impressive. 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
Alexandra323 说 …
R.I.P 发布 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
mjerome 说 …
I am very sad, To hear about his Passing! truly, a Great actor! 发布 一年多以前
theICON 评论…
yeah i know 一年多以前
Crazedsitcomfan 评论…
Is it possible for Robin to fake his death? 一年多以前
powergirl009 说 …
so sad he was great actor 发布 一年多以前
karlyluvsam 说 …
beautiful banner 发布 一年多以前
theICON 评论…
yeah i agree 一年多以前
Simmeh 说 …
So sad to hear this. I really loved him as Mrs. Doubtfire and the Genie. He was such a great man! 发布 一年多以前
Simmeh 评论…
Oh, and definitely in Hook! Loved that movie as well. It's been a while since I've seen it. 一年多以前
alicepotter 说 …
R.I.P. Robin Williams. We will miss you. 发布 一年多以前
alicepotter 评论…
I wish... to bring Robin Williams back to life. 一年多以前
Princessofpower 说 …
Such a great man,I have great memories of him from 阿拉丁 to Jumanj RIP Robin 你 were one of the very few who could make me laugh and will be sadly missed. 发布 一年多以前
_2-D_ 说 …
I remember the Fisher King and The dead Poet society. Being as young as I was, I never knew he existed, but I grew to know him and 爱情 him as a 粉丝 and always will. RIP sir. until we meet again. 发布 一年多以前
dreamcatcher321 评论…
your so adorable it hurts to know 你 grew up at the time of THE FISHER KING. man, he was your childhood too huh? 一年多以前
_2-D_ 评论…
He was everyone's childhood. 一年多以前
dreamcatcher321 说 …
I have no comment..I like cried hestaricaly when I heard he died...Man...BRB GONNA GO CRY AGAIN. 发布 一年多以前
yamishadow2001 说 …
Can't believe he killed him self......... 发布 一年多以前
Amberla 说 …
I always imagined the 日 I visit Hollywood, I'd meet Robin and shake his hand and so... It is very devastating to hear that he is gone. RIP sweetie RW <3 发布 一年多以前
sini12 说 …
Why did 你 do that? :( I feel sad .R.I.P! everyone will miss you! 发布 一年多以前
ghinwa 评论…
yes i agree. may his soul rest in peace ._. 一年多以前
sini12 评论…
:( 一年多以前
Garth115 说 …
What a joyful spark 你 brought into our lives, we will not forget 你 Robin Williams. 发布 一年多以前
Synthwave 说 …
Oh Captain, My Captain; thank 你 for all the laughs, thank 你 for the memorable roles, and thank 你 for having a huge impact on my childhood. 你 will be missed. May 你 Rest In Peace. 发布 一年多以前
IamKyon 说 …
They are gonna start playing The Crazy Ones again here, as a tribute to him.
I can't watch that 显示 anymore, I am just so devastated.
Rest in Peace 你 lovely person.
We all are going to miss 你 so much, just so 你 know. 发布 一年多以前
CutieMcFlurry 说 …
"You’re only 给 one little spark of madness. 你 mustn’t lose it."
- RIP Robin Williams, 你 will be missed.
July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014 发布 一年多以前
terraymosley 说 …
I am miss him i can't meet famous people i am trying to pray for him so he in RIP. 发布 一年多以前
emerald_32 说 …
Rest in peace, Robin Williams.
A part of my childhood died. I'm gonna miss you, Genie. ;n; 发布 一年多以前
tooch 说 …
Robin did so much for the world of film and of comedy, I grew up watching his 电影院 and even performances. He was an artistic genius and I am so thankful to have been alive at the same time as him. He is now at peace and may he rest easy. 发布 一年多以前
Negaduckfan1989 说 …
We all miss 你 Robin Williams. R.I.P. 发布 一年多以前
ChiliPepperLuv 说 …
R.I.P. Robin Williams. 你 are unforgettable. 你 were very talented and hilarious. 你 are forever loved and missed. 发布 一年多以前
Kswifty13 评论…
we will miss him 一年多以前
Kpopfan12 说 …
Rest In Peace Robin :( Oh Captain 发布 一年多以前
LiveLoveMusic 说 …
ROBIN WILLIAMS NO </3 发布 一年多以前
Nayuki-chan 说 …
RIP Robin Williams. Oh captain, my captain. 发布 一年多以前
saritaHouse 说 …
"OH captain! My captain!!!" RIP ;( 发布 一年多以前
mhs1025 说 …
I'm still in shock. I can't get it in my head. What a heartbreaking thing! 发布 一年多以前
drewjoana 说 …
When we are in need for good humour and lightness in our lifes, 更多 people who did us laugh and smile are gone. That is true. Then no wonder the world is such a sad place. 发布 一年多以前
Shorouk4ever 说 …
I am really shocked and not able to say one word : (
Robin Williams 你 were a big part of my childhood and 由 your death. My childhood is dead now ; (
RIP Robin i wish that we could walk together in the streets of glory!
你 will be missed but never forgotten : (
发布 一年多以前
greathopes 说 …
RIP beautiful person, you'll be remembered and missed.... 发布 一年多以前
x-menobsessed26 说 …
Rest in peace, Robin. 你 will be missed 由 many. 发布 一年多以前
Kendraatje 说 …
Goodbye Robin 你 will be missed 发布 一年多以前
jbtr 说 …
also why the hell did u have to die why god why did u take him why god why 发布 一年多以前
3xZ 说 …
RIP Robin Williams :'( 你 are a very talented and amazing actor. We will miss you! 发布 一年多以前
Mony-Black38 说 …
I 爱情 him! I grew up with his movies! I'm still in shock... 发布 一年多以前
Alchemistlover 说 …
R.I.P. Wonderful man you'll be remembered for being a terrific person and a wonderful actor. 发布 一年多以前
jbtr 说 …
i heard the news yesterday my mum told me and i was crying i wouldnt stop he was like my role model he was the person that maid me want to become a actress so i dont know what to do i will allways 爱情 u robin and i wanted to meet him that was one of my things on my bucket 列表 so may God Bless u Robin Williams and R.I.P # 爱情 u * blows 吻乐队(Kiss) to heaven * 发布 一年多以前
karlyluvsam 说 …
I mean like if it was suicide .was there a note explaining why? ? Why he felt this was the only way out. Him saying sorry saying to his wife, friend, family, & fans. Why the most beloved comedians in the world .was this depressed 发布 一年多以前
CF_the_Kid2 说 …
I'm still in shock over this news... :(

RIP 发布 一年多以前
MaxandMart 说 …
I heard the awful news this morning on the radio. I really loved him. Started watching him on "Mork and Mindy" and "Happy Days". I do remember something being 说 at that time way back then that he was suffering from depression. I not sure - but I think they may have had an episode on "Mork and Mindy" regarding his depression. He was, for me, one of the funniest - I loved his TV Shows and Movies. No doubt, everyone including myself will miss him. 发布 一年多以前
DoloresFreeman 说 …
R.I.P Robin 发布 一年多以前
peacebaby7 说 …
I couldn't believe the news. I absolutely love Robin Williams. I can't believe this happened. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch Aladdin 或者 Night at the Museum again without getting sad. He always made the funniest voices, and he never failed to do a role justice. 你 know they say he was a master of improv? Doesn't surprise me. I'm really going to miss him. 发布 一年多以前
Leonardthekoala 评论…
Now I'm even 更多 sad that my 老友记 are affected *sniff* I need a moment DX 一年多以前
peacebaby7 评论…
Ah, don't worry, Leonardthekoala. The important thing is that we remember the laughs he brought to millions. That's what's important. 一年多以前
27Kowalski 评论…
Oh dear, I didn't know anything about this until now. It's so sad, he was one of my 最喜爱的 actors. *sigh* :( 一年多以前
peacebaby7 评论…
I agree, 27K. On the brighter side, his legacy will live on to make millions 更多 laugh. One of the benefits of modern technology. 一年多以前
deathroman13 说 …
R.I.P Williams.

Thank 你 for making my childhood awesome with your 电影院 :)
你 will be missed. 发布 一年多以前
AnimeFan66 说 …
God bless Mr. Williams! He's one of my biggest celebrity/comedian idols I've loved for a very long time. He'll truly be missed 由 me all the way. R.I.P. A fantastic person! 发布 一年多以前
IamKyon 评论…
IKR!! :'(( I am devastated... So many years this guy had made us laugh our guts out and now he's making us cry... R.I.P. <333 一年多以前
DarkAngelPony 说 …
this was really upsetting to hear. I literally cried. Robin Williams was awesome. R.I.P. Robin 你 shall be missed 发布 一年多以前
KyliexJenner 说 …
R.I.P Robin Williams.

你 will be missed 发布 一年多以前
liza12354 评论…
i will miss u robin *cries* 一年多以前
19987 说 …
RIP Robin Williams❤ Loved & Cherished Always!❤ 发布 一年多以前
LoveSterlingB 说 …
R.I.P Robin Williams. 发布 一年多以前
Leonardthekoala 说 …
RIP Mr. Williams, 你 will be missed 由 all 发布 一年多以前
Makeupdiva 说 …
He will be missed. RIP! 发布 一年多以前
JacobBlackFever 说 …
你 will be missed 发布 一年多以前
namelessbastard 说 …
this came as such a shock!!!!!! *sniff* rest in peace, Robin. and know that 你 were one of the best actors, ever. 发布 一年多以前
charmedgirl1996 说 …
this is so sad i am shocked he was a great actor he will be missed R.I.P Robin 发布 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 说 …
Man... The word spreads fast. 发布 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 评论…
*sniff 😢 一年多以前
MarineHolocaust 说 …
R.I.P. :( 发布 一年多以前
NCISLuverjk93 说 …
Crying over the loss of such an incredible man, I feel as if I 迷失 a family member. 你 were a comedic genius and just such an amazing human being. 你 made up a lot of my childhood. A true inspiration to us all.

I'm currently watching Mrs. Doubtfire to celebrate his life, instead of just mourning his death. He has me laughing through the tears.

Gone but certainly never forgotten, you'll forever be in our hearts. RIP Mr. Williams. <3 发布 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 评论…
Don't pay attention to his death. Remember the many memories and times he made 你 laugh. And think about how he came into our homes through the 电视 and his movies. 一年多以前
RoseLovesJack 说 …
I'm in shock. I can't Belive his gone. Rip Robin William. 你 were amazing. There will never be another. 你 were the best Comedian of all time. We will miss 你 发布 一年多以前
Persephone713 说 …
We will miss 你 Genie and Batty! No one ever played a game like Jumanji like you. Created a cute green blob named Flubber like you! Gave 更多 life to a wax statue of Teddy Roosevelt than you. - and countless 更多 memories. 你 shall be greatly missed Mr. Williams. - 爱情 Alyssa. 发布 一年多以前
RoseLovesJack 评论…
I'm so sad his gone he made so Many great 电影院 I loved him so much 一年多以前
MJ_Fan_4Life007 说 …
In such shock! RIP Robin :,( 发布 一年多以前
RoseLovesJack 评论…
Iim still in shock to I can't believe his gone. Rip Robin we miss 你 一年多以前
MJ_Fan_4Life007 评论…
:,( 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 说 …
I 爱情 u. The San Fran former mayor loves you. America loves you. Bob loves you. The world loves you. RIP August 2014. 发布 一年多以前
geocen 说 …
R.I.P 发布 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 评论…
RIP from the 湾 Area. Your home. 一年多以前
RubyTuesday632 评论…
😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😰 一年多以前
jokerfan28 说 …
I can't believe one of my 最喜爱的 actors is dead now. I 爱情 Robin Williams and I always will. R. I. P. 你 will be missed. <3 <3 <3 <3 发布 一年多以前
ChrissyStyles1 说 …
SO sad

R.I.P Robin 发布 一年多以前
LoveSterlingB 评论…
I'm heartbroken. 一年多以前
mjlover4lifs 说 …
R.I.P Robin Williams. 你 brought so much joy to so many people. 你 were one 最喜爱的 actors and always will be. 你 will be missed.😞 发布 一年多以前
Barrowmans_Bum 说 …
R.I.P Robin :( 发布 一年多以前
QueenofHorror 说 …
R.I.P. A major part of my childhood is gone now that he is I hope he's in a better place now </3 发布 一年多以前
joejonasfan001 说 …
i was born on the same 日 as this amazing actor 发布 一年多以前
nickjonasfan001 评论…
Me 2!!! 一年多以前
big smile
ChuckyLover1 说 …
I just 爱情 his Mrs. Doubtfire moive.. I like it when he says in the beginning PI pi pi pi.. pizz off lu! xD 发布 一年多以前
fieldsx4 说 …
Just heard through the grapevine that Robin Williams is up for a 2012 Big Daddy Award! 你 get to decide if he wins. Voting starts MONDAY at www.bigdaddyawards.com 发布 一年多以前
Fraraccio 说 …
"Goooood morning, Vietnam!" 发布 一年多以前
Cogerson 说 …
What do 你 think about these rankings? 发布 一年多以前
lizzoo 说 …
It's so cool that he named his daughter zelda xD 发布 一年多以前
alexgallegos 说 …
Robin WIlliams will be one of the presenters at the 2011 Tony Awards on June 12, 2011. Watch them live on CBS at 8:00 PM (ET) hosted 由 Neil Patrick Harris. Other presenter will include: Alec Baldwin, Christie Brinkley, Matthew Broderick, Harry Connick, Jr., Viola Davis, Whoopi Goldberg, Kelsey Grammer, Samuel L. Jackson, Angela Lansbury, David Hyde Pierce, Daniel Radcliffe, Vanessa Redgrave, Chris Rock, Brooke Shields, Robin Williams, Patrick Wilson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and more. 发布 一年多以前