“I mourned you. My 心 broke thinking I’d never see 你 again. It’s always been me. Not Finn, not Elijah, not Kol, me! I loved 你 through everything and 你 don’t even care.”
omg my 心 broke for her :/ she really did everything for him, sacrificed her life running with him and now what :/ plus she kinda helped Elena so it's a good thing ...Love her so so much
发布 一年多以前
Exactly!!! My 心 broke for her and I just wanted to hug her! This episode made me 爱情 her so much! This showed how awful, ungrateful and hateful Klaus really is!!!! She loved and was a devoted sister and this how he treats her in return!一年多以前
I don't know about 你 guys but I really fell in 爱情 with her last night! She showed that she had big 心 deep down and was moved 由 the sight of real love!!! She helped save Elena when form the beginning she hated her! I felt so bad for her after the way Klaus treated her! Rebekah won me over and she is a girl that deserves real love! Both from family and from a great guy!
发布 一年多以前
Also, can we have new spot look please? I know this spot must have had its banner/icon/motto up like only a 月 ago, but we have so many great new episodes with Rebekah. It will make this spot look even better with the new stills. Plus, TVD won't return for 2 months now! So, anyone else agree with me?
发布 一年多以前
Rebekah is such an awesome character. I loved her from the 分钟 she was introduced in the show. And my 爱情 for her just keeps growing with each new episode of her's. I just wanted to hug her in 前一个 two episodes :(. Poor her. She seems just so 'human'. I don't want her to die ever. Can she be a regular cast please..... <3
发布 一年多以前
I don't hate Elena for what she did with Rebekah! Yes, what she did was horrifying, but it needed to be done. Rebekah could have screwed up their plan. So, no. As much as i 爱情 Rebekah and want her to be undaggered soon, i don't hate elena. :)一年多以前
@ FrenchGiirl : I know. First Elijah, now Rebekah @bussykussi : I understand why Elena did it. Rebekah would have ruined the plan. @tequilaBoom : awww don't hate Elena. :3 @twinflames : I agree. I don't hate Elena either.一年多以前
So, I read an 文章 today that basically explained why Rebekah was probably going to die soon, and now I'm freaking out :O I 爱情 her since she first appeared on the show, I don't want her to leave. Ever :(
发布 一年多以前
I don't think Michael will kill her she's her only girl, he 说 verry well that he only want the death of Klaus, And after what she knows in 3x08 ......Don't know but hope not :(一年多以前
Idk, I'm afraid either Klaus kills her if she betrays him 或者 the writers make Mikael kill her just to 显示 that he is indeed capable of killing an Original. And aparently she's not listed in further episodes :S Idk, I hope I'm wrong.一年多以前
FFFFF. I 爱情 REBEKAH SO MUCH. I honestly didn't think I could 爱情 her 更多 before this episode. I hate how the writers are trying to make all the characters gang up on Klaus though. I really hope they do something deeper than "LOLOLOL KLAUS IS DEAD NOW NOW MYSTIC FALLS IS HAPPYYYY".
I liked Rebekah since she came in, but tonight her character was just so amazing and funny XD It made me remember that I still needed to 加入 this spot ;u;
发布 一年多以前