Raven's 粉丝 club Wall

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Abby6isthebomb 说 …
jens281003 说 …
Best superhero 发布 一年多以前
Eleni4ever 说 …
So cool! 发布 一年多以前
BBRaeFan1530 说 …
Raven is the BOMB!!!! I <3 her so much! 发布 一年多以前
ttlover12 评论…
yeah dude 一年多以前
BBRaeFan1530 评论…
YAY! 爱情 how Raven looks on your 个人资料 picture!:) 一年多以前
ttlover12 评论…
Arew 你 visit....TMNTBTD 一年多以前
GabsSaw 说 …
Scratch that! Words CANNOT describe how awesome Raven is! 发布 一年多以前
GabsSaw 说 …
,You rock Raven!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
threeravens 说 …
This might be stupid, but my brother is wondering why do 你 like raven so much, and why is she so popular? 发布 一年多以前
GabsSaw 评论…
She's so 流行的 because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, loves the dark and mysterious characters. Don't ask why, we just DO!!! 一年多以前
Raven4241 说 …
Raven has been my 最喜爱的 ever since I started watching Teen titans 发布 一年多以前
GabsSaw 评论…
*gasp* she's my 最喜爱的 too!;) 一年多以前
Rachel_ 说 …
Of 你 are a BBxRae shipper, wild 你 see tris couple in the cartoon? 或者 do 你 think Titans are batter without couples? 发布 一年多以前
loly878458 说 …
does anyone else think that cartoon network made raven look stupid 由 having her play with unicorn toys????????????? 发布 一年多以前
bakes2389 评论…
Eh....I think they were trying to 显示 Raven as a normal girl, obsessing over a show. Quite frankly, I think Raven is a boss for being a brony! xD Teen Titans Go is 更多 for comical effect, so that's probably why they 显示 her playing with unicorn toys. 一年多以前
RavenRechior 评论…
Yes, I think Cartoon Network made Raven look stupid 由 having her play with unicorn toys. MLP is stupid, in my opinion, and to make the dark character go for that 显示 is contradictary of her actual character. 一年多以前
rayandbbforever 说 …
I 爱情 你 RAVEN 发布 一年多以前
loorofzadaa 说 …
Is Raven dark 或者 simply... misundersood? 发布 一年多以前
alicia386 评论…
both 一年多以前
Lyla_YJ 评论…
RavenRechior 评论…
Loorofzadaa, I believe 你 mean Malchior. ;) The perfect match for Raven. 一年多以前
The__Dark 说 …
Raven is so cool. RAVEN FOREVER! 发布 一年多以前
Globox 评论…
XD 一年多以前
teamjane99 评论…
best teen titan EVER!!! RAVEN FOREVER, HELL YES! 一年多以前
Raven359 说 …
Thanks for being awesome fans. >:) I'm Raven and I just made a Fanpop, but I already have 4 fans. Thanks. 发布 一年多以前
mistymaydawngo 评论…
yesh!! raven...........or 你 is my 最喜爱的 teen titan!! then beast boy then starfire then cyborg then robin XD 一年多以前
Vampiyaa 评论…
me its raven, then robin (cuz he's funny when he goes 《K.O.小拳王》 with that mask XD) then cyborg, BB and starfire (she's a moron, but she's so freaking funny when she says the wrong thing) 一年多以前
Vampiyaa 评论…
"i did not know we were supposed to bring shovels :D" 一年多以前
StellaLuvsTdwt 说 …
She's pretty awesome. ^-^ 发布 一年多以前
lolfan88 评论…
Words!!!! 一年多以前
deziarae 说 …
I like u ur pretty then starfire Ur a 天使 of darkness 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Bookworm2579 说 …
Just joined, this club is awesome! Raven is the best titan!! 发布 一年多以前
GoldenSmith 说 …
Raven is the most powerful titan ever!!!! 发布 一年多以前
destiny27803 说 …
raven is the best teen titan ever!!!!! 发布 一年多以前