Rapunzel Fitzherbert Art (12Rapunzel) Club
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added by 12RapunzelAngel
posted by 12Rapunzel
The Vet

What's that I hear? I'm going to the vet.
What am I going to do? I can't die yet.
I'm way to young. I feel just fine.
Please don't let the man touch that 毛皮 of mine.
Oh please don't take me I'll do anything 你 like.

I'll even wax up your brand new bike.
I'll be really good and try not to bite.
I'll even stay off your 床, 床上 at night.
Though it may be hard. I can be really nice.
I'll even catch all those pesky little mice

Whatever 你 do just don't take me there.
I really don't like when they mess up my hair.
The vet has sharp needles, they stick in my skin.
They grab my ear and start to look in.
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added by 12RapunzelAngel
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
 Could it be? A real dragon?
Could it be? A real dragon?
So this started when Rapunzel was a little girl....

Rapunzel P.O.V

Mommy was brushing my long golden hair,while I sung the special song.I looked at the 火, 消防 place,it reminded me of dragons.The flames of 火, 消防 that came out of there mouths."Mommy,"I said."Yes my flower?"She asked.

"Are 龙 real?"I questioned."No dear,there just mythical creatures,"She answered."But my story book says they are,"I replied."Those are just fairy tales,"She said."Oh..."was all I could say.

"Now off to bed,"She'd said.I didn't argue,I went to my room and went under my covers,but I couldn't sleep there was a sound outside...
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added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12rapunzel
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel aka 1TangledFanREF
added by 12Rapunzel
Source: 12Rapunzel MADE THIS