Quick and Rainn (Glee) Updates

a comment was made to the poll: 最喜爱的 Character? 一年多以前 by Zammie4eva
a comment was made to the poll: Which is your favorite? 一年多以前 by Zammie4eva
a pop quiz question 增加: which couple bailed out of getting married? 一年多以前 by cookiesyasner
a poll 增加: Which sounds better? 一年多以前 by lostkate
a poll 增加: who has 更多 romantic 吻乐队(Kiss) 一年多以前 by Dianna122
a poll 增加: Do 你 say 'Rainn' 或者 'Finchel'? 一年多以前 by CrimeDramaBee
a photo 增加: 欢乐合唱团 一年多以前 by Dianna122
a comment was made to the poll: Which last name combo? 一年多以前 by DaniminaDoll
a poll 增加: Which last name combo? 一年多以前 by ChuckJenny4ever
a comment was made to the photo: quick 一年多以前 by iluvdamo
a comment was made to the photo: PUCK AND QUINN 一年多以前 by iluvdamo