Puzzles and Brain Teasers How many 图书 of Riddles do 你 have?

Pick one:
None (Go and buy some!)
None (Go and buy some!)
1 (You could use a few more)
1 (You could use a few more)
2 (Not bad)
2 (Not bad)
3+ (Alright...)
3+ (Alright...)
5+ (Pretty good)
5+ (Pretty good)
8+ (Good Work)
8+ (Good Work)
15+ (Truely Amazing)
15+ (Truely Amazing)
20+ (Nice Going!)
20+ (Nice Going!)
50+ (Wow, that&# 39; s INCREDIBLE)
50+ (Wow, that's INCREDIBLE)
 Stevey711 posted 一年多以前
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