yes, I solved this already!!! It was awesome and very interesting..!!! I want to learn about the 4x4 rubix cube.. can u teach me how..thanx in advance..!!!
I am only 12 and my fastest time is 1 min 28.4 sec. I love solving it, it just makes me feel so smart! I do it all the time. I even have one on the table next to me and I just solved it in 1 min 29.9 sec, almost my fastest! I'll solve it once more: Damn! A piece fell out! Hold on. Ughh, I put in it backwards! There! NOW here is my time: 1 min 15.8 sec, my new record!
in a million years. :P
I can't brag about my skillful fingers no, but I can watch Josh and others twist away. Which is so unnerving.