LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) servers are very 流行的 for their ease of use and flexibility. Read on to find some of the best resources available for creating your own 首页 LAMP server, from installation to maintenance.
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If you're looking to break into the web dev industry, start your own development and 设计 business, 或者 learn a few new skills to remain a competitive force in your field.
The community site for the development of the Fortress language.
Do 你 want to grow up to be a programmer? The 列表 begins with comprehensive courses offered through online college venues. From there, you'll discover various computer programs sorted 由 language 或者 由 technology.
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If you’ve spent all your money on a bidding war to get the Wii and you’re out of cash for games, follow this guide to some of the best Wii homebrew resources out there.
Every summer since 2005, 谷歌 has offered what is essentially a paid internship to open 来源 groups. These projects, combined 或者 otherwise, are some of the biggest successes we’ve seen come out of Google’s Summer of Code.
Check out our 列表 of these programs and take advantage of these tools that are full of some of the best PDF features and functions.