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added by Kate-Jane
posted by onetreehill4
Episode 4.15: 标题 Unknown
Airdate: December 15, 2008

11/11 - The series welcomes back a familiar face from season 1 in the Dec. 15 episode: 缪斯 Watson, a.k.a. Charles Westmoreland. No, he's not quite back from the dead; Michael interacts with his old prison pal while in a dream-like state during brain surgery. Source: Entertainment Weekly
11/11 - According to Matt [Olmstead], something big is coming down the 梭子鱼, 派克 in episode 15. Says Matt, "It's something that we had talked about that was similar to bringing Sarah back, essentially. Which was when - it was a discussion we had back in season...
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 Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman

Remember Paul Kellerman played 由 Paul Adelstein, well he's alive and back in action. This time offering the Prison Break boys a 'Clean Slate'.

This final installment ended with many twists and decent revelations.

We welcome back Paul Adelstein reclaiming his role as Paul Kellerman . We remember him from 'Sona' the Season 2 finale of Prison Break, where he was believed to be dead even though we didn't really see the actual murder ...so I held out for him. Halfway through Season 3 I 迷失 hope that Kellerman would resurface and imagined that the writers would continue to...
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added by Angie22
michael scofield
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahmichaelandsara.tumblr.com
added by Kate-Jane
added by kiaya91
Source: <lj user="her_lovelyheart">
added by Squal
added by Paola17
added by Angie22
WARNING: Stop 阅读 if 你 have not watched the series finale of Prison Break. I mean it. Everyone else, onward and downward...

I know. Since Prison Break concluded its four-year run tonight 由 sending its chiseled protagonist to the big slammer in the sky, you're grieving. 你 want answers. 你 want justice. 你 want someone to pay.

Would 你 settle for answers?

'Cause that's all I've got. But at least there are a lot of 'em, straight from executive producer Matt Olmstead. Read 'em and... oh, I see. You're already weeping. Well, read 'em, anyway. Maybe it'll help.

Why'd 你 have to kill him?!...
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proof of innocence
added by kelly322
added by meme6
added by kiaya91
Source: spoilertv-prisonbreak.blogspot.com