
Nav posted on Apr 01, 2007 at 10:33AM
How about

PostSecret 8 回复

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一年多以前 Nav said…
Oops. Just realized the post cut off. I thought maybe we could do a PostSecret sorta thing here...

What do you think? It could make this spot a bit more lively :)
一年多以前 alissamfehlbaum said…
I agree, that would be cool.
一年多以前 Nav said…
so, how do you suggest we do that?
一年多以前 alissamfehlbaum said…
How about submitting links of your images of your secret (art, scanned postcard, etc) to the link section?
Or.... Maybe we could accept secrets via the fanpop mail accounts and just have a continous blog of what we get.
一年多以前 Nav said…
Sounds good, even tho it isn't really anonymous... Meanwhile I have nothing to upload, but I will when I do.

Is posting links to specific postcards online legal?
一年多以前 alissamfehlbaum said…
uh... I don't know.
EDIT: I just read this on his website...
No image from this site may be used for any purpose without expressed written authorization, with one exception; you may post one image as a link to this site."
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 carlam said…
hey check out

Very cool, sorta like postsecret... fun!
一年多以前 kelsey887 said…
theres a postsecret group on facebook and its kinda what you wanted to make, where anyone can put a picture up and people can comment on it and stuff