
Pokemon The Unova Region 问题

Have 你 people ever heard of the new moves that came out ? They are "Freeze Shock" and "Ice Burn" .

Freeze Shock is related to Zekrom's Bolt Strike and Ice Burn is related to Reshiram's Blue Flame . And the only pokemon that can learn these two moves are Kyurem .
 Kiraa_Killer posted 一年多以前
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Pokemon The Unova Region 答案

miloticfan54 said:
It is currently unknown on how to get these moves, however, according to bulbapedia... An event Kyurem will soon be 给 out with these moves in the near future.

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posted 一年多以前 
Well, it's not 由 2012 . It's an event where 你 and Cherin will get a Kyurem each and 你 get to pick if Kyurem get's Zekrom: "Freeze Shock" 或者 Reshiram: "Ice Burn" .
Kiraa_Killer posted 一年多以前
你 cannot get them 由 cheating, unless the new action replay comes out . Because they are new moves .
Kiraa_Killer posted 一年多以前
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