Percy Jackson & the Olympians 粉丝 Fictions Wall

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goddessoflife 说 …
Remember, your 粉丝 fiction can be an 文章 或者 in the forums. It doesn't matter, just as long as 你 have fun 写作 it. :) 发布 一年多以前
goddessoflife 说 …
Go ahead and start writing! :) 发布 一年多以前
HecateA 说 …
I'm not sure what goddessoflife is planning. I say we come up with a plot line in an 文章 here where we can share, save the 文章 on a Word file 或者 whatever, and destroy the 潮流粉丝俱乐部 文章 so nobody knows what we are planning. This could be the workshop for a series we could 发布 on the PJO spot and the HoO spot. So like, 你 put an article, everybody helps revise and junk, then POOF publish! We could each right one chapter then another. What do 你 think? 发布 一年多以前
Lightning98 评论…
awesome so ummm i dont really want to start... i am a sissy so could 你 start with your beautiful work :):):):):) 一年多以前
HecateA 评论…
I don't know how goddessoflife wants to do this, but I left a message on her 墙 so hopefully she'll get back to us 一年多以前
Lightning98 评论…
ok!!!! 一年多以前
goddessoflife 评论…
Hey! I got your message. Sorry I didn't answer! FP hasn't been working for me! I'll post the 文章 in a 分钟 and get 你 up to 日期 on whats happening. 一年多以前
big smile
Lightning98 说 …
When do we start i dont really want to be the first one to go 发布 一年多以前
goddessoflife 评论…
你 don't have to yet. I'll explain in the article, which I am about to make! 一年多以前
mrcobra66 评论…
i like the idea 一年多以前