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Never Let Me Go Keira Knightley 或者 夏洛特 Rampling?

16 fans picked:
夏洛特 Rampling
 richard_angel2 posted 一年多以前
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Ginevraaa picked 夏洛特 Rampling:
I really like Keira, but I think Charlotte's acting was better in this film.
posted 一年多以前.
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3liiiiin picked 凯拉·奈特莉:
I prefer Keira. I have never actually heard of Charlotte before the movie.
posted 一年多以前.
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alessiamonari picked 夏洛特 Rampling:
who is charlotte? Carey mulligan is in the picture
posted 一年多以前.
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missmarionk picked 夏洛特 Rampling:
it's carey mulligan
posted 一年多以前.
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weirdkid picked 夏洛特 Rampling:
It's Carey freaking mulligan!
posted 一年多以前.