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added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took the photo.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took this photo.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took the photo.
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
added by Fluttershyy
added by przemo10371
added by BirdoFan77
added by mlpfimfim
added by Part_of_the_sky
added by kitmolly123
Source: MLP:FiM Creator
added by karinabrony
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: schwarzekatze4
added by clancker1223
Source: Rightful owners
added by winniemay
posted by karinabrony
 The fun has been doubled!
The fun has been doubled!
These are some of the 语录 I remember. Enjoy!

It needs to be about 20% cooler. -Rainbow Dash

Oh, it is ON! -Rarity

The fun has been doubled! -Luna

I'd like to be a tree... -Fluttershy

Aw, make sense? What fun is there in making sense? -Discord

Come on everypony. I want to see 你 smile! -Pinkie

I didn't put those in my bag! -Bon Bon

But I want it NOW! -Applebloom

What are you, a dictionary!? -Scootaloo

I hate library! -Pinkie

You're...GOING TO 爱情 ME! -Fluttershy

What are you, a SNITCH? - Babs

Good boy, Angel. Mama's proud of you. -Fluttershy

What's soaking wet and clueless? YOUR FACE! -Fluttershy

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