my build a bears Club
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posted by ninibambini
 Charlie in his tuxedo!
Charlie in his tuxedo!
Birthday:December 22 2007

Hobby:Going to Church

Favourite sport:Football

Favourite Team:Toronto Raptors

Favourite Colour:Blue

Quote:That was fantastic!

Fasvourite Movie:The Water Horse

Favourite Book:57 Stories of Saints

最喜爱的 singer(s):The Jonas Brothers

I hope 你 think my Build-A-Bear is cute! He loves being on and he told me to tell 你 he loves all the users that joined this spot! I hope 你 liked 阅读 about Charlie! 你 can read biographies of my other Build-A-Bears in the soapbox!
added by ninibambini
posted by ninibambini
Birthday:August 24 2007

Hobby:Playing Basketball

Favourite Sport:Basketball

Favourite Team:Toronto Raptors

Favourite Colour:Purple

Quote:You're prtetty good!

Favourite Movie:Semi Pro

Favourite book:NBA

Favourite Singer:Justin Timberlake

I hope 你 think my Build-A-Bear is so cute! He loves being on and he told me to tell 你 he loves all the users that joined this spot! I hope 你 liked 阅读 about Jackson! 你 can read biographies about my other Build-A-Bears in the soapbox!
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
posted by ninibambini
Birthday:January 3 2008


Favourite sport:Baseball

Favourite Team:Toronto Blue Jays

Favourite Colour:Pink

Quote:That is such a cute top!

Favourite movie:Angels In The Outfield

Favourite Book:Alvin and The Chipmunks

I hope 你 think my Build-A-Bear is so cute! She loves being on and she told me to tell 你 all that she loves all the users that joined this spot! I hope 你 liked 阅读 about Alessia! 你 can read biographies about my other Build-A-Bears in the soapbox!
 Alessia the camper!
Alessia the camper!
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini
added by ninibambini