Was Phyllis Schlafly really on Reagan’s shortlist? Did she really meet a young Roger Stone? Slate breaks it down.
Did Betty Friedan make a dramatic reversal on lesbian rights? Did a housewife really get high and eat garbage? Slate breaks down “Houston.”
Did Phyllis Schlafly really accept support from the Klan? Was she really hit with a pie? 文章 from Slate.
Slate breaks down “Jill,” about Jill Ruckelshaus and other feminist Republicans.
Did that couples 辩论 really happen? Did Gloria Steinem really 日期 a Republican? Slate breaks down “Phyllis & 费雷德 & Brenda & Marc.”
Slate breaks down “Betty,” which focuses on Tracey Ullman’s Betty Friedan.
Slate breaks down the first three episodes of FX and Hulu’s new miniseries about Phyllis Schlafly and the Equal Rights Amendment. (episodes: Phyllis, Gloria, Shirley)
Extensive history of Chantal Akerman’s 1975 movie "Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" which is referenced heavily in the last two episodes and definitely something everyone has heard of. Slate, 27 May 2020.
Collider interview, 15 APR 2020.
For the miniseries about the controversial Equal Rights Amendment, production designer Mara LePere-Schloop created both conservative kitchens and the headquarters of Gloria Steinem’s Ms. magazine. Architectural Digest, April 2020.